
中国共产党农村基层组织建设百年历程、鲜明特色及现实启示 被引量:16

The Construction of Rural Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China:A Centennial History,Distinctive Characteristics and Realistic Enlightenment
摘要 中国共产党农村基层组织是农村各领域组织和各方面工作的领导核心,是党密切联系广大农民的桥梁和纽带,是培育发展农村党员的实践基地。中国共产党农村基层组织建设大致经历了:革命年代深入群众、发动和领导农民的创立发展阶段,新中国成立后的重建阶段、曲折前进阶段、逐步规范阶段和全面建设阶段。经过了100年的不断探索和发展,中国共产党农村基层组织建设突显出六大鲜明特色:重视政治建设,为农业农村发展掌好舵,从根本上巩固党在农村的领导地位;重视思想建设,提升基层党员思想觉悟,自觉维护农民的根本利益;重视组织建设,实现党的基层领导全覆盖,为农村农业发展注入活力;重视作风建设,夯实党在农村的根基,增强中国共产党农村基层组织在引领、推动农村社会发展和变革中的核心作用;重视纪律建设,锻造自律自觉的基层队伍,不断拓展纪律建设的时代内涵;重视制度建设,保障基层党建科学规范,确保基层党组织行使好党和人民赋予的权力。在新时代,面对复杂多变的国内外环境,中国共产党农村基层组织建设也出现了一些亟待解决的突出问题,因此必须强化政治意识,全面巩固党在农村的领导地位;构建"嵌入式"发展模式,自觉践行党的根本宗旨;推进乡村振兴,不断增强党的组织力;强化队伍建设,着力夯实党的战斗堡垒,使中国共产党农村基层组织建设在新时代更加健康地发展。 The rural grassroots organizations of the Communist Party of China(CPC) are the core of the leadership in all fields of rural organizations and all aspects of work, being the bridge and link between the CPC and the broad masses of farmers, as well as the practice base for cultivating and developing rural party members. The construction of rural grassroots organizations of the CPC has roughly experienced the following stages: the founding and development stage of going deep into the masses, mobilizing and leading farmers in the revolutionary era;the reconstruction stage, the tortuous progress stage, the gradual standardization stage and the comprehensive construction stage after the founding of new China. After 100 years of continuous exploration and development, the construction of rural grassroots organizations of the CPC has highlighted six distinctive features: attaching importance to political construction, steering the development of agriculture and rural areas, and fundamentally consolidating the CPC’s leading position in rural areas;attaching importance to ideological construction, enhancing the ideological consciousness of grassroots party members, and consciously safeguarding the fundamental interests of farmers;attaching importance to organizational construction, realizing the CPC’s leadership at the grassroots level, and injecting vitality into rural agricultural development;paying attention to the construction of work style, consolidating the CPC’s foundation in rural areas, and strengthening the core role of the rural grassroots organizations of the CPC in guiding and promoting social development and reform in rural areas;paying attention to discipline construction, forging self-disciplined grassroots teams, and constantly expanding the era connotation of discipline construction. We should attach importance to institutional development, promote scientific and standardized party building at the grassroots level, and ensure that community-level organizations of the CPC exercise the power entrusted by the CPC and the people. In the new era, facing the complicated and changeable domestic and foreign environment, there are some outstanding problems to be solved in the construction of the rural grassroots organizations of the CPC. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the political consciousness, consolidate the CPC’s leading position in the countryside, construct an "embedded" development model, consciously practice the fundamental purpose of the CPC, promote rural revitalization, and constantly enhance the CPC’s organizational power. We should also strengthen team construction, focus on consolidating the battle fortress of the CPC, so as to make the construction of the CPC’s rural grassroots organizations grow more healthily in the new era.
作者 文丰安 WEN Feng’an
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期32-49,共18页 China Rural Survey
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“健全党组织领导的乡村治理体系研究”(项目资助号:20XDJ007)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中国共产党农村基层组织 鲜明特色 执政基础 乡村振兴 Rural Grassroots Organization of the CPC Distinctive Feature Ruling Foundation Rural Revitalization
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