

Intrinsic Change of Chinese Culture under the Impact of Western Influence from the Perspective of Qiaoyi Studies
摘要 侨易学的一个重要目标,就是通过实证性的可操作方式,考察关键性的文化、思想、精神的具体形成问题。1840年以来,面对西方列强的军事侵略和文化侵迫,中国文化遭遇"数千年未有之钜劫奇变",身处其中的知识分子开始思考和比较中西文化的本质和差异,提供了"东西洋思想各成一系""内向超越与外向超越""天人合一和主客二分"等多种整体分析,同时也提出了"中体西用""全盘西化""西体中用"等应对"西学冲击"的各种构想。但由于中西文化的异质性和"中学""西学"的迁变性,"西学冲击"下中国文化的"精神质变"迄未完成。该文通过回顾这段历史时期中国文化面临的危机和中国知识分子的应对之道,一方面尝试为运用侨易学研究思想文化的变迁提供案例支持,另一方面也试图以侨易学与思想史研究之间的关系回应针对侨易学理论架构的一些批评。 One of the important aims of the Qiaoyi Studies is to examine the formation of major cultures, ideas and mindsets through applicable empirical case studies. With the military oppression and culture suppression of the western countries since 1840, Chinese culture has met challenges and undergone changes that it had never been seen during the past several thousand years. Chinese intellectuals were forced to ponder and compare the essential differences of the east and the west cultures, and provided holistic analysis such as "the striking contrasts of the east and the west thought", "internal transcendence vs. external transcendence", and "the integration of man and nature vs. the separation of subject and object". In order to save the Chinese civilization, they proposed approaches such as "traditional Chinese learning as fundamental and western learning as appliance", "wholesale westernization", and "western learning as fundamental and traditional Chinese learning as appliance". But due to the essential differences of Chinese and western cultures and the constant changes of the east and the west learning, the intrinsic change of Chinese culture under the influence of the west hasn’t completed up till now. This paper examines the crises faced by Chinese culture and the approaches proposed by Chinese intellectuals during this period, in the hope of providing an empirical case for the Qiaoyi Studies to deal with the change and growth of major cultures on the one hand, and responding to the criticism of the theory with the discussion of the relationship between the Qiaoyi Studies and the studies of the history of ideas on the other.
作者 吴礼敬 Wu Lijing(School of Foreign Language Studies,Hefei Normal University,Hefei,China)
出处 《社会科学论坛》 2021年第5期191-199,共9页 Tribune of Social Sciences
关键词 侨易学 西学 中国文化 精神质变 Qiaoyi Studies western learning Chinese culture intrinsic change
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