

James Legge’s View on Ancient Chinese History and its Spread: Based on James Legge’s Translation of The Shoo King
摘要 19世纪来华西人携域外学术资源切入中国古史研究,提出了不同于当时中国本土学者的观点。汉学家理雅各不囿于当时的经学传统,在其《尚书》译本中阐述了中国古史观。本文围绕理雅各《尚书》译本,探讨了他的中国古史观及其思想根源,并尝试从译介视角厘清其古史观借助译本在域内域外的传播路径。 Some scholars from the Western countries in the 19 th century proposed the original views about the ancient history of China from the perspective of western scholarship,different from those of Chinese.Not confined by the tradition of Confucianism studies,James Legge,a British sinologist,expounds his view on ancient Chinese history in his translation The Shoo King(The Book of Documents).The article,focuing on his translation,aims to discuss James Legge’s view on ancient history of China,and reveal the origins of his view.The article also attempts to delineate the complicated route of the spread of the translation and historical concepts carried out both in China and outside it.
作者 刘立壹 Liu Liyi
出处 《中国文化研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期163-172,共10页 Chinese Culture Research
基金 国家社科基金“十九世纪英文汉学期刊对中国文化典籍的译介研究”(16BYY060) 山东省高等学校“青创科技计划”项目“近代来华汉学家对儒家典籍的译介及其当代启示”(2020RWC006)的阶段性成果
关键词 理雅各 《尚书》 古史 层累 典籍译介 James Legg Shoo King ancient history accretion translation of Chinese classics
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