为揭示大学校园室内环境中PM_(2.5)及其中PAEs(phthalate esters,邻苯二甲酸酯)的污染特征和师生暴露风险,以陕西师范大学长安校区为例,采集了校园秋冬季6个采样点52个室内PM_(2.5)样品,利用气相色谱质谱联用仪检测了其中22种PAEs的浓度,分析了其构成和时空分布,评估了师生暴露健康风险.结果表明:①不同采样点PM_(2.5)中22种PAEs的总浓度范围为237~413μg m^(3),其中6种优控PAEs的总浓度范围为4.81~7.47μg m^(3);室内PM_(2.5)中的PAEs主要为邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二环己酯和邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯,均为非优控PAEs,且这3种单体的浓度远高于6种优控PAEs单体的浓度.②各采样点检出的6种优控PAEs单体不同,图书馆和教室中6种优控PAEs均被检出,宿舍中检出4种,家属区中检出3种.③季节变化对室内PM_(2.5)浓度及其中的PAEs浓度均会产生影响,冬季室内PM_(2.5)平均浓度(58.3μg m^(3))高于秋季(55.4μg m^(3)),12月6种优控PAEs单体浓度范围为0.250~3.86μg m^(3),明显高于其他月份.④来源解析表明,校园室内空气PM_(2.5)中的PAEs主要来自室内装饰材料的释放,学生油墨及化妆品和个人护肤品的使用,以及增塑剂的使用及涂层的释放.⑤6种优控PAEs对人体产生的非致癌风险均较低,邻苯二甲酸丁基苄基酯和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯的致癌风险均低于标准限值(1×10^(-6)),二者的致癌风险均可忽略.研究显示,校园内不同室内环境中PM_(2.5)污染程度及其中的PAEs浓度和构成均存在一定差异,师生暴露于室内空气PM_(2.5)中6种优控PAEs的非致癌风险均较低,致癌风险可忽略,但环境中非优控PAEs的污染与风险应给予足够的关注.
In order to determine the pollution characteristics of PM_(2.5) and PM_(2.5)-bound phthalate esters(PAEs)and the risk of teachers and students exposed to PM_(2.5)-bound PAEs in campus indoor environment,52 indoor PM_(2.5) samples were collected at six sampling sites on the Chang′an campus of Shaanxi Normal University in autumn and winter.The concentration of 22 PAEs was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer,the composition and spatial and temporal distribution of PAEs were studied,and the health risks of teachers and students exposed to PM_(2.5)-bound PAEs were evaluated.The results showed that:(1)The total concentration of the 22 PAEs at different sampling sites ranged from^(2)37 to 413μg m^(3),and the sum of 6 priority PAEs ranged from 4.81 to 7.47μg m^(3).The predominant PAEs of indoor PM_(2.5) were diisobutyl phthalate,dicyclohexyl phthalate,and diisononyl phthalate,which were non-priority PAEs and much higher than those of 6 priority PAEs.(2)The detection rate of 6 priority PAEs was different at different sampling sites.Six priority PAEs were detected in library and classrooms,four priority PAEs were detected in student apartments,and only three priority PAEs were detected in family area.(3)Seasonal changes impacted the concentration of indoor PM_(2.5) and PM_(2.5)-bound PAEs.The average concentration of indoor PM_(2.5) in winter(58.3μg m^(3))was higher than that in autumn(55.4μg m^(3)).The concentration of 6 priority PAEs in December was in the range of 0.250-3.86μg m^(3),which was significantly higher than that in autumn months.(4)The source analysis results of principal component analysis and cluster analysis showed that PAEs of campus indoor PM_(2.5) were mainly related to the emission of indoor decoration materials,the use of ink,cosmetics and personal care products of students,the application of plasticizers,and the release of coatings.(5)The health risk assessment results showed that the non-carcinogenic risk of 6 priority PAEs was low,and the carcinogenic risk of benzyl butyl phthalate and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was below 1×10^(-6) and could be ignored.The research showed that the pollution of PM_(2.5) and the concentration and composition of PM_(2.5)-bound PAEs varied in different indoor environments on campus.The non-carcinogenic risk of teachers and students exposed to six priority PAEs of indoor PM_(2.5) was relatively low,and the carcinogenic risk was negligible.However,much attention should be paid to the pollution and risk of non-priority PAEs in the environment.
WU Qianlan;LEI Jingzheng;WANG Lijun(School of Geography and Tourism,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi′an 710119,China)
Research of Environmental Sciences