
小麦和玉米生长对土壤碳输入和输出的贡献 被引量:7

Contributions of wheat and maize growth to soil carbon input and output
摘要 在农业生态系统中,区分土壤外源碳输入和内源碳输出是量化土壤碳平衡的前提。借助碳同位素方法,可以精确区分不同碳源对土壤有机碳(SOC)和二氧化碳(CO_(2))的贡献,一方面定量根际沉积碳对土壤碳的输入,另一方面还可以量化根系生长对SOC分解的根际激发效应,进而提高土壤碳平衡评估的精确度。本文整合了关于小麦和玉米13C/14C示踪实验的文献,对作物-土壤系统光合碳分配、向地下部碳输入量、根际土壤CO_(2)区分以及根际激发效应进行分析,最终明确了小麦和玉米生长对土壤碳输入和输出的贡献。在作物-土壤系统中,小麦光合碳分配到地上部、根系、土壤和土壤释放CO_(2)的平均比例分别为73.1%、12.5%、4.6%、9.8%,玉米分别为68.4%、16.0%、4.6%和11.1%。小麦和玉米通过根系和根际沉积碳对土壤碳输入量均值分别为1058 kg·hm^(-2)和1025 kg·hm^(-2),其中根际沉积碳占地下输入的贡献均值分别为0.45和0.38。小麦和玉米根源呼吸占根际土壤CO_(2)释放的贡献值均达到50%以上,分别为51.3%和56.7%。小麦和玉米生长促进SOC的分解,根际激发效应平均值分别为172%和15%,若采用传统根去除法来区分土壤呼吸,根际激发效应则会被忽略,这可能导致根源呼吸的高估。小麦和玉米生长过程中释放的净根际沉积碳占地下部净碳输入(根系+根际沉积物)比例分别为27%和22%,如果利用传统洗根法,这部分光合碳量就无法量化,导致输入到地下部的光合碳量被低估。 In agroecosystem,partitioning exogenous C input and endogenous C release is a prerequisite for quantifying soil C balance.The contribution of different C sources to soil organic C(SOC)and soil CO_(2) can be accurately distinguished using the C isotope method.This method can not only quantify soil C input in the form of rhizodeposition but can also estimate the rhizosphere priming effects on SOC decomposition,which increases the accuracy of soil C balance assessments.Through a survey of the literature on 13C/14C tracer experiments,the study analyzed photosynthetic C allocation,belowground C input,different contributions of soil CO_(2) emission,and rhizosphere priming effects.The results showed that the photosynthesized C of wheat allocated to aboveground,roots,SOC,and soil CO_(2) emissions were 73.1%,12.5%,4.6%,9.8%of the net assimilated C,respectively,and those of maize were 68.4%,16.0%,4.6%,and 11.1%,respectivedly.The amounts of the photosynthetic C transferred into soil were 1058 kg·hm^(-2) and 1025 kg·hm^(-2) by wheat and maize,among which the contribution of rhizodeposition was 0.45 and 0.38,respectively.The contribution of root-derived respiration to total soil CO_(2) emissions in wheat-and maize-planted soils accounted for 51.3%and 56.7%,respectively.The growth of wheat and maize showed positive rhizosphere priming effects on SOC decomposition,with average magnitudes of 172%and 15%,respectively.If the traditional root exclusion method was used to distinguish soil respiration,the positive rhizosphere priming effects would be ignored,which might lead to the overestimation of root-derived respiration.The net rhizodeposition during the growth of wheat and maize accounted for 27%and 22%of the net belowground C input(root+rhizodeposition),respectively.If the traditional root washing method was used,rhizodeposition could not be quantified,resulting in an underestimation of the net belowground C input.
作者 孙昭安 朱彪 张译文 李梦雨 孟凡乔 SUN Zhaoan;ZHU Biao;ZHANG Yiwen;LI Mengyu;MENG Fanqiao(Key Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in University of Shandong,College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,Weifang University,Weifang 261061,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Farmland Soil Pollution Prevention and Remediation,College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;Institute of Ecology,College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Zhaoyuan Agricultural and Rural Bureau,Zhaoyuan 265499,China)
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期2257-2265,共9页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0201204) 潍坊学院博士科研启动基金项目(2019BS12)。
关键词 小麦 玉米 根际沉积 根源呼吸 根际激发效应 wheat maize rhizodeposition root-derived respiration rhizosphere priming effect
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