
美国制裁缅甸政策的形成过程与路径——以国会与政府互动为视角(1988—2008) 被引量:3

U.S. Sanctions against Myanmar in 1988-2008: Congress and Executive Policymaking
摘要 缅甸问题自1988年产生后,一直延续至今。在随后的20年中,美国的缅甸政策逐渐强硬,出台了四部制裁缅甸的支柱法案,形成了对缅制裁政策的基本框架。在这一政策形成过程中,府院之间、不同政党之间因在价值观外交与现实利益方面上界定的分歧,华盛顿的外交决策充满了矛盾、妥协以及协调。在国会方面,两党虽在对缅问题积极性上有所不同,但由于美国与缅甸间利益关联较小,两党整体上在对缅强硬上拥有较高共识;在政府方面,由于利益较少以及官僚机构政策的延续性,将政策制定的主动权较多让渡给国会,同时基于措施的有效性和利益相关性,而又与国会有所冲突。国会内部,民主党的党派属性在推出对缅制裁法案时发挥了重要作用,同样政党属性也影响到政府对缅接触和施压的强度。相比之下,克林顿的民主党政府对缅采取了更积极、主动的接触与外交斡旋,而小布什的共和党政府则更倾向于对缅强硬和施压。 The political stalemate of democratization process in Myanmar has not been broken since the Tatmadaw seized power in 1988.From 1988 to 2008,the U.S.policy toward Myanmar became increasingly uncompromising.Washington issued four acts and shaped the sanction framework against Myanmar.Sanction policies emerged from a policymaking process that involved a multiplicity of political actors who interacted in a variety of arenas.The congressional Republicans and Democrats had a high consensus on adopting a tough approach toward Myanmar.As the Myanmar situation worsened in the first decade of the 21 st century,Congress became more involved in U.S.Myanmar policy formulation,in which partisanship also became a key factor.
作者 范宏伟 吴思琦 FAN Hong-wei;WU Si-qi(Center for Southeast Asia Studies/Research School for Southeast Asian Studies,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期94-106,共13页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 亚洲区域合作思想库网络研究资助项目(YZYJ2019009) 教育部人文社科重点研究基地项目“冷战时期中国与东南亚关系编年史”(18JJD770002)。
关键词 美国 缅甸 制裁 国会 U.S. Myanmar sanctions Congress
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