

Antioxidant Activity of Total Flavonoids Gel from Pomegranate Flower in Vitro
摘要 目的:对石榴花总黄酮凝胶剂的体外抗氧化能力进行测定,为其进一步开发利用提供参考。方法:以石榴花总黄酮为原料,制成凝胶剂,从超氧阴离子清除、铁离子还原、羟基自由基清除三方面考查其体外抗氧化活性能力。结果:石榴花总黄酮凝胶剂具有一定的超氧阴离子清除能力、铁离子的还原能力和羟基自由基的清除能力,但均弱于Vc。结论:石榴花总黄酮凝胶剂具有一定的体外抗氧化能力。 Objective:The antioxidant capacity of total flavonoids gel from Pomegranate flower was determined in vitro to pro⁃vide the basis for its further development and utilization.Methods:The gel was prepared from the total flavonoids of Pome⁃granate flowers.The in vitro antioxidant activities were investigated from superoxide anion scavenging,iron ion reduction and hydroxyl radical scavenging.Results:Total flavonoids gel from Pomegranate flower has certain scavenging ability of su⁃peroxide anion,reducing ability of iron ion and scavenging ability of hydroxyl radical,but all of which were weaker than Vc.Conclusion:Total flavonoids gel from Pomegranate flower has certain antioxidant ability in vitro.
作者 华芳 汪欣然 宋敏 吴琼 冯芳 龚春霞 HUA Fang;WANG Xin-ran;SONG Min;WU Qiong;FENG Fang;GONG Chun-xia(Pharmacy School,Anhui Xinhua University,Hefei 230088,China)
出处 《安徽化工》 CAS 2022年第1期49-50,57,共3页 Anhui Chemical Industry
基金 安徽省大学生创新创业计划项目(AH202012216099) 安徽省质量工程新文科、新医科研究与改革实践项目(2020wyxm099) 安徽省质量工程项目线上课程(2020mooc183) 安徽新华学院精品课程项目(2018jpkcx26) 安徽新华学院教育教学研究(重点)项目(2017jy010) 安徽新华学院骨干教师培养对象(2018xgg26)。
关键词 石榴花 总黄酮 凝胶剂 抗氧化 pomegranate flower flavonoids gels antioxidant
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