
基于信息化教学的《蛋白质研究技术》课程改革 被引量:2

The Course Innovation of Protein Research Technology Based on Information Teaching
摘要 《蛋白质研究技术》是对药学和生物学专业学生开展的重要专业基础课程,旨在通过这门课程使学生掌握蛋白质研究领域的基本概念、原理、技术方法和应用。随着信息技术的发展,慕课平台、学习通等交互学习平台的建立,为课程的教学注入新活力。结合该门课程的特点,作者优化了授课内容、创新理论课和实验课授课模式、构建考试与课堂表现相结合的考核体系。通过将慕课和学习通平台引入课堂,采用线上线下混合式教学这一系列改革,调动了学生学习的主动性和积极性,提高其实验技能,激发了学生的创新思维,取得了良好的教学效果。 Protein Research Technology is an important course for students of pharmacy and biology majors.The purpose of this course is to enable students to master basic concepts,principles,technical methods and applications in the field of protein research.With the development of information technology,the establishment of interactive learning platforms such as MOOC platform and ChaoXingLearning platform has injected new vitality into the course teaching.Based on the characteristics of this course,the authors'have optimized the teaching content,innovated the teaching mode of theoretical course and experimental course,and constructed an assessment system combining examination with classroom performance.By introducing MOOC and ChaoXingLearning platform into classroom and adopting a series of reforms of online and offline blended teaching,the initiative and enthusiasm of students in learning have been aroused,their experimental skills have been improved,and their innovative thinking has been stimulated,finally obtained the good teaching results.
作者 王舒宁 张旺倩 张阔 李维娜 张存 郝强 李萌 张英起 WANG Shu-ning;ZHANG Wang-qian;ZHANG Kuo;LI Wei-na;ZHANG Cun;HAO Qiang;LI Meng;ZHANG Ying-qi(Department of Biopharmaceutics,School of Pharmacy,the No.4 Military Medical University,Xi'an 710032,China)
出处 《药物生物技术》 CAS 2021年第6期632-634,共3页 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
关键词 蛋白质研究技术 信息化 教学 模式 内容 改革 Protein research techniques Information Teaching Model Content Innovation
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