

Reconstructing the International Nuclear Order:the Evolution of the INF Treaty and the International Nuclear Order
摘要 《中导条约》是冷战国际核秩序的产物,它反映了美苏想要维持核平衡与核霸权的目标,体现了冷战国际核秩序的内在矛盾。随着冷战结束,冷战国际核秩序的内在矛盾不断发酵,《中导条约》赖以存在的主客观条件都已改变,不能维护核平衡与核霸权的问题不断凸显,这导致了《中导条约》的解约,也标志着冷战国际核秩序的最终解体。重构国际核秩序就要抛弃冷战思维,加强多边协调;以建设人类命运共同体为主要目标,抛弃核民族主义;探索全球核安全治理的新模式,多层主体、多种措施地构建符合核形势发展的新规则、新机制。 The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty(INF) was the outcome of the Cold War international nuclear order.It reflected the goal of maintaining nuclear balance and nuclear hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union,and also reflected the internal contradiction of the Cold War international nuclear order.With the end of the Cold War,the internal contradictions of the Cold War international nuclear order continued to grow,and the subjective and objective conditions on which the INF Treaty was based has changed.The problem of failing to maintain nuclear balance and nuclear hegemony became increasingly prominent,which led to the termination of the INF Treaty and marked the final disintegration of the Cold War international nuclear order.To reconstruct the international nuclear order,we must abandon the Cold War mentality and strengthen multilateral coordination.With the building of a community with a shared future for mankind as its main goal,nuclear nationalism should be abandoned.We should explore a new model of global nuclear security governance,and establish new rules and mechanisms that are consistent with the development of the nuclear situation through multi-tiered bodies and multiple measures.
作者 胡晔 HU Ye
出处 《北方论丛》 2022年第2期57-65,共9页 The Northern Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“后冷战时期欧洲安全架构中的多元化模式研究”(17BGJ049)。
关键词 《中导条约》 核秩序 俄美关系 地缘政治 构建人类命运共同体 INF Treaty The Nuclear Order Russia-USA Relationship Geopolitics Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
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