
PCAP阅读素养评估框架及启示 被引量:5

The Assessment Framework of PCAP Reading Literacy and Its Implication
摘要 泛加拿大评估项目(PCAP)是全国性学业成就评价项目,是加拿大进行教育质量监测的重要手段,每三年对八年级学生进行一次评估。PCAP阅读素养评估框架涉及读者、文本、目的与语境四要素及理解文本、解释文本、对文本做出个人和批判性回应三种水平,并为阅读素养每一水平提供试题举例分析。研究发现,与《义务教育语文课程标准(2011版)》中的阅读素养评估相比,PCAP阅读素养评估框架中阅读概念界定清晰、阅读目的指向明确,凸显高阶思维能力、文本构建能力,且评价标准条分缕析易于操作。而我国《义务教育语文课程标准(2011版)》中的阅读概念仅仅从功能角度进行简单阐述,未体现阅读的核心内容,并未触及阅读本质,且未涉及“阅读目的”;阅读评价标准缺乏可操作性;初中阅读素养的培养目标认知要求偏低,缺乏对批判性思维等高阶思维的关注。本研究建议,应加强阅读本体研究,洞察和厘清阅读素养发展目标;构建科学合理的阅读评价指标体系,注重评价标准的可操作性;重视发展学生的语文核心素养,培养并评价高阶思维能力和复杂认知活动。 Assessing eight graders every three years, the Pan-Canada Assessment Program(PCAP) is a national academic achievement evaluation program and an important means of monitoring quality education in Canada. The PCAP reading literacy assessment framework involves four elements: reader, text, intent and context, and three levels: understanding the text, interpreting the text, making personal and critical responses to the text. The study found that compared with the evaluation of reading literacy in “Compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standards(2011 Edition)”, the concept of reading in the PCAP reading literacy assessment framework is clearly defined, the reading purpose is clearly stated, the higher-order thinking ability and text construction ability are highlighted, and the evaluation criteria are easy to operate. However, there are several problems in the eveluation of reading literacy, in China’s Compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standards(2011 Edition). For example, the reading concept is only briefly explained from the functional point of view, which fails to reflect the core content of reading or involve “reading purpose”;the reading evaluation criteria is only general, lacking clear operability;inadequate attention is paid to higher-level cognitive skills, such as critical thinking. Thus, we should conduct research focusing on reading, identify reading literacy development goals;construct scientific reading evaluation criteria and pay attention to its operability;emphasize students’ Chinese core competency, develop and evaluate higher-order thinking skills and complex cognitive activities.
作者 陆卓涛 张雨强 LU Zhuotao;ZHANG Yuqiang(Institute of Curriculum and Instmction,Hast China Normal University,Shanghai,200062,China;Research Centre of Basic Education Curriculum,QuFu Nomial University,Qufu,273165,China)
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期108-118,共11页 Global Education
关键词 PCAP 阅读素养 评估框架 学业成就评价 PCAP reading literacy assessment framework academic achievement assessment
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