为明确兜兰属宽瓣亚属(Paphiopedilum Subgen. Brachypetalum)植物在中国的自然地理分布格局及其主导气候因子,该研究以7种宽瓣亚属植物为研究对象并利用Arc GIS技术提取其在中国194个地理分布点的气候数据,采用描述性统计分析宽瓣亚属植物在中国分布区的气候特点,采用逐步回归拟合各气候因子与其经纬度分布的线性关系,最后通过冗余分析(RDA)和蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)检验量化各气候因子对宽瓣亚属植物地理分布的贡献率。结果表明:(1)宽瓣亚属植物在中国主要分布于滇东南、黔西南、黔南、黔东北、滇西北、桂北与黔南交界处以及桂西北至桂西南地区。(2)该亚属植物在中国分布区的昼夜温差月均值、年平均气温变化范围、最暖季度平均气温、最冷季度平均气温4项热量因子的平均值分别为8.13、23.70、23.62和9.23℃,降水量变异系数、最湿季度降水量、最干季度降水量、干旱指数4项水分因子平均值分别为75.66%、673.10 mm、73.97 mm和26.12%,整体上具有湿热的气候特点;各物种间,狭域分布的物种与广布种间的气候因子存在显著差异。(3)逐步回归分析表明,各拟合方程均达到极显著水平,昼夜温差月均值、最暖季度平均气温、最冷季度平均气温、降水量变异系数、最干季度降水量、干旱指数是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物沿经度分布的主要因子;最冷季度平均气温、最湿季度降水量、年平均气温变化范围、最干季度降水量、降水量变异系数是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物沿纬度分布的主要因子。(4) RDA结果显示,气候因子在第1轴的解释率为73.32%,在第2轴的解释率为21.29%,累计解释率为94.61%,各气候因子的解释率大小排序为:昼夜温差月均值(57.8%)>最暖季度平均气温(41.5%)>年平均气温变化范围(38.3%)>最干季度降水量(23.1%)>最冷季度平均气温(16.9%)>降水量变异系数(13.7%)=最湿季度降水量(13.7%)>干旱指数(3.0%)。因此,昼夜温差月均值、最暖季度平均气温、年平均气温变化范围3个气候因子是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物分布的主导气候因子。
Aims The purpose of this study is to clarify the distribution pattern and the dominant climatic factors of Paphiopedilum Subgen. Brachypetalum in China.Methods Seven species of Subgen. Brachypetalum were investigated as the research objects. The climatic data of 194 geographical distribution points were extracted by ArcGIS. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the climatic characteristics of the distribution area of the Subgen. Brachypetalum in China, and stepwise regression to fit the linear relationship between climatic factors and their latitude and longitude. Finally, redundancy analysis(RDA) and Monte Carlo-test were used to quantify the contribution of each climatic factor to the geographical distribution of the Subgen. Brachypetalum.Important findings 1) The Subgen. Brachypetalum plants are mainly distributed in southeastern Yunnan,southwestern Guizhou, south Guizhou, northeastern Guizhou, northwestern Yunnan, the junction of northern Guangxi and southern Guizhou, and from northwestern Guangxi to southwestern Guangxi. 2) The monthly mean diurnal temperature range, range of annual temperature, mean temperature of the warmest quarter, mean temperature of the coldest quarter in these distribution areas are 8.13, 23.70, 23.62 and 9.23 °C, respectively. The precipitation variation coefficient, precipitation of the wettest quarter, precipitation of the driest quarter and aridity index are 75.66%, 673.10 mm, 73.97 mm and 26.12%, respectively. As a whole, it has the characteristics of hot and humid climate. There were significant differences in climatic factors between species with narrow distribution and other widely distributed species. 3) Stepwise regression analysis showed that each fitting equation reached extremely significant level. Monthly mean diurnal temperature range, mean temperature of the warmest quarter, mean temperature of the coldest quarter, precipitation variation coefficient, precipitation of the driest quarter, aridity index are the main factors affecting the distribution of Subgen. Brachypetalum along longitude in China. Mean temperature of the coldest quarter, precipitation of the wettest quarter, range of annual temperature, precipitation of the driest quarter, precipitation variation coefficient are the main factors affecting the distribution of Subgen. Brachypetalum along latitude in China. 4) According to the results of RDA analysis, the interpretation rate of climatic factors in the first axis was 73.32%, the interpretation rate in the second axis was 21.29%, and the cumulative interpretation rate was 94.61%. The order of the interpretation rate of climatic factors was: monthly mean diurnal temperature range(57.8%) > mean temperature of the warmest quarter(41.5%) > range of annual temperature(38.3%) > precipitation of the driest quarter(23.1%) > mean temperature of the coldest quarter(16.9%) > precipitation variation coefficient(13.7%) = precipitation of the wettest quarter(13.7%) > aridity index(3.0%). Therefore, monthly mean diurnal temperature range, mean temperature of the wettest quarter and range of annual temperature are the dominant climatic factors affecting the distribution of Subgen. Brachypetalum in China.
ZHANG Yang;AN Ming-Tai;WU Jian-Yong;LIU Feng;WANG Wei(Forestry of College,Research Center for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;and 2Nanjing Institute of Envi-ronmental Sciences,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Nanjing 210042,China)
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
Paphiopedilum Subgen.Brachypetalum
climatic factor
distribution pattern
redundancy analysis