
雅万高铁焊轨基地信息管理系统的开发及应用 被引量:1

Rail-welding base information management system for Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway
摘要 根据雅加达—万隆高速铁路(简称:雅万高铁)焊轨基地的工艺布局特点,设计并研发了焊轨基地信息管理系统,实现了钢轨焊接接头(简称:接头)的数据采集、生产作业管理、实时监控及成品管理。系统包括数据管理子系统、工位操作子系统、实时监控子系统及发货管理App 4个部分,能够对生产全过程进行监控和管理,对接头质量问题进行数据分析和溯源。该系统的应用对提高雅万高铁焊轨基地的信息化水平和管理水平,保障钢轨焊接质量具有重要作用。 According to the special process layout of rail-welding base of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway,this paper designed and developed a rail-welding base information management system,implement the functions of rail welding joint data collection,production operation management,real-time monitoring and finished product management.The system included four parts of data management subsystem,station operation subsystem,real-time monitoring subsystem and delivery management App,which could monitor and manage the whole production process,analyze and trace the data of joint quality problems.The application of the system played an important role in improving the information and management level and guaranteeing the rail-welding quality of rail-welding base of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway.
作者 彭鹏 朱峰 李力 高振坤 PENG Peng;ZHU Feng;LI Li;GAO Zhenkun(Metal and Chemistry Research Institue,China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited,Beijing 100081,China;STECOL Corporation,Tianjin 300384,China)
出处 《铁路计算机应用》 2022年第4期54-58,共5页 Railway Computer Application
基金 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划项目(N2019G058) 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司金属及化学研究所基金(2020SJ04)。
关键词 焊轨基地 雅万高铁 钢轨焊接 管理系统 信息化 rail-welding base Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway rail welding management system informatization
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