
DNS技术干预对非特异性腰痛患者的影响研究 被引量:1

The Effect of DNS Intervention on Patients with Nonspecific Low Back Pain
摘要 文章介绍了国内外非特异性腰痛流行病学研究的现状。非特异性腰痛的流行率较高,其危险因素多种多样,在其保守治疗的方法和疗效上也众说纷纭,文章致力于研究使用DNS(动态神经肌肉稳定技术)对无长期专业运动训练的非特异性背痛患者进行一次性干预,使用VAS问卷和Oswestry问卷进行研究,使用t-检验对数据分析后发现两组数据p<0.01,效果非常显著。 This paper introduces the present situation of the research on the epidemiology of nonspecific low back pain at home and abroad.Nonspecific low back pain prevalence rate is high,the risk factors are various,also in the method and effect of the Public opinions are divergent.conservative treatment,this paper focuses on the use of DNS(dynamic neuromuscular stabilization technology)a one-time intervention on non-specific back pain patients without long-term professional training,the use of the VAS questionnaire and Oswestry questionnaire research,found two sets of data p<0.01 for data analysis using t-test,the effect is very significant..
作者 史泽远 侯世伦 Shi Zeyuan;Hou Shilun(Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100091,China)
机构地区 北京体育大学
出处 《武术研究》 2022年第5期151-153,共3页 Wushu Studies
关键词 非特异性腰痛 VAS Oswestry问卷 DNS(动态神经肌肉稳定技术) Nonspecific Low back pain VAS Oswestry questionnaire rehabilitation training DNS
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