The precision of cave surveying and mapping has always been the focus of the industry.In recent years,the study and application of terrestrial laser scanning in the field of karst caves has been increasingly wide⁃spread.Compared with traditional methods,its millimeter-level error accuracy and diversified results expression have obvious advantages,which will have a revolutionary breakthrough in improving cave mapping accuracy,strengthening the measurement of cave spatial morpholog,constructing cave geospatial database,and guiding ra⁃tional planning and development of cave.Although the information of cave 3D results is rich and diverse,accurate cave maps have always been the basis for understanding the development and evolution of caves,and they still play an irreplaceable role.Then,how to accurately draw cave maps and express cave elements through massive point clouds has become the primary problem to be solved.Therefore,this paper takes Qianlong cave in Guizhou province as an example,through the processing of the 3D laser point cloud,supplemented by third-party software to draw the plan view,profile view and cross-section view of Qianlong cave,and discusses the automatic extrac⁃tion form slice image and cartographic expression of cave elements,forming the following understandings,(1)Terrestrial laser scanning observes the entire cave structure from the perspective of God,the extraction of the over⁃all tunnel boundary will be more accurate,and the feature information of any location can be obtained.In terms of cave pattern construction and element expression,it not only the inherits the traditional ways,but also makes new breakthroughs.(2)The software and hardware requirements of karst cave mapping based on terrestrial laser scan⁃ning are more complicated than traditional methods.In addition to the expensive equipment for point cloud data col⁃lection,interactive mapping with multiple software platforms puts forward higher technical requirements for postprocessing data.It is urgent to standardize a set of software platforms and standards for 3D cave mapping based on terrestrial laser scanning and unified delivery of results.(3)Not all karst caves require 3D laser scanning measure⁃ments,and karst cave measurement should be selected on the basis of actual needs.For general or initial exploration caves,considering the cost factors and taking into account the accuracy requirements,it is recommended to use method of paperless cave measurement.For Tourist caves or caves with high resource landscape value,it is recom⁃mended to use 3D laser scanning.There is a general trend that the equipment will be miniaturized and more suit⁃able for cave surveying and mapping in the future.(4)The combined application of terrestrial laser scanning and UAV aerial photogrammetry technology in the field of karst cave surveying and mapping is the focus of the next breakthrough in cave surveying work.It can effectively realize the fusion of surface and underground 3D spatial in⁃formation,which will greatly expand and enrich speleological research and its application value.
ZHOU Wenlong;GAO Zhandong;LI Hui;LI Po;HE Wei;XIONG Kangning(Guizhou Institute of Mountain Resource,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001,China;Guizhou Provincial Karst Cave Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering and Technology Research Center,Guiyang Guizhou 550001,China;The Third Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Guizhou Province,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001,China;School of Karst Science,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001,China)
Carsologica Sinica
cave surveying and mapping
terrestrial laser scanning
graphic drawing
Qianlong cave
karst cave