
鄱阳湖鹤类越冬种群数量动态和空间分布变化 被引量:2

Population Size Dynamics and Distribution of Wintering Cranes in Poyang Lake
摘要 基于江西省林业厅1998年的环鄱阳湖水鸟地面同步调查数据,对鄱阳湖自然湿地中的白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)、白头鹤(Grus monacha)、白枕鹤(Grus vipio)和灰鹤(Grus grus)4种越冬鹤类在2001-2019年的种群数量动态和空间分布变化进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近18 a来,白鹤、白头鹤、白枕鹤和灰鹤的种群数量年平均值分别为(3058±797)、(322±192)、(1291±1016)和(3594±3721)只,其中白鹤种群数量相对稳定,白头鹤和白枕鹤数量减少,灰鹤数量增加,且存在较大的年际波动;(2)4种鹤类每年冬季在鄱阳湖均呈聚集型分布,蚌湖、大汊湖、大湖池、南湖、汉池湖、大莲子湖、珠湖和企湖8个湖泊是重点活动区;(3)三峡大坝全面运行后白鹤、白头鹤和白枕鹤数量减少,灰鹤数量增加;4种越冬鹤类在鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区的分布更为集中。可见,鄱阳湖是鹤类的重要越冬地,在鹤类资源保护中具有重要地位,应加强保护。 Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China.Four crane species annually overwinter in this lake,including Siberian crane(Grus leucogeranus),hooded crane(Grus monacha),white-naped crane(Grus vipio)and common crane(Grus grus).The population size and spatial distribution of the four wintering crane species between 2001 and 2019 were monitored.The results show that:(1)Over the 18-year period,the average yearly population of the four wintering crane species in the Poyang lakes were(3058±797)for the Siberian crane,(322±192)for the hooded crane,(1291±1016)for the white-naped crane,and(3594±3721)for the common crane.Over the 18-year period,the population size of the Siberian crane was relatively stable,the population size of the hooded crane and white-naped crane decreased and the common crane population increased with extreme annual fluctuations;(2)The hotspots within the Poyang Lake for the distribution of the four wintering crane species clustered in the lakes of Banghu,Dachahu,Dahuchi,Nanhu,Hanchihu,Dalianzihu,Zhuhu,and Qihu;(3)After commencing the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the population densities of the Siberian crane,hooded crane and white-naped crane decreased and concentrated into the Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve.Conversely,the common crane population increased.Our recent surveys indicate that Poyang Lake occupies an important position in crane resources and should remain protected for future crane populations.
作者 李安梅 李言阔 邵瑞清 申锦 钱磊 张超 王贤芳 方彭军 LI An-mei;LI Yan-kuo;SHAO Rui-qing;SHEN Jin;QIAN Lei;ZHANG Chao;WANG Xian-fang;FANG Peng-jun(College of Life Sciences,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China;Gao′an No.2 High School of Jiangxi Province,Yichun 330800,China;Forestry Administration of Jiujiang Municipality,Jiujiang 332099,China;Forestry Administration of Pengze county,Pengze 332700,China)
出处 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期777-786,共10页 Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金(31660618)。
关键词 鄱阳湖 鹤类 种群数量动态 空间分布 Poyang Lake crane population dynamic distribution
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