
油蒿扩繁丛枝菌根真菌的效果及土壤条件优化研究 被引量:1

Effect of Artemisia ordosica as host plant on the propagation of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi and soil condition optimization
摘要 为验证油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)作为宿主植物扩繁AM真菌的潜能,试验选用了艾蒿、三叶草、黑麦草和紫花苜蓿4种植物为对照,采用盆栽方法研究培养30 d、60 d、100 d后植物根围AM真菌孢子密度的变化,测定了100 d后植物根系的真菌菌丝侵染率、丛枝侵染率,并针对油蒿研究了不同类别土壤对其扩繁的影响,分析孢子密度与土壤理化因子的相关性。结果表明:油蒿和艾蒿两种植物的菌丝侵染率平均值约达40%,显著高于其它3种植物(23%—25%),表现出与AM真菌良好的共生性。以油蒿为宿主经过100 d扩繁后,其根围孢子密度平均达57个·10g^(-1)干土,显著高于其它4种植物。油蒿扩繁最大值出现在60 d,其它4种植物虽然孢子密度随培养时间的延长而增加,但60 d—100 d增长不显著,建议60 d为AM真菌盆栽扩繁最佳期限。相关分析表明植物根围AM真菌孢子密度与真菌菌丝侵染率、土壤速效磷呈显著正相关,但与土壤pH值呈负相关性。当选用油蒿为宿主植物分别4种土壤类型进行AM真菌扩繁时,土壤养份较高的腐殖质土孢子密度最大。 Artemisia ordosica having lush root system and good symbiosis ability with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,was selected to verify potential as a host plant of AMF propagation via pot,and four other plants(Artemisia argyi,Trifolium pratense,Lolium perenne and Medicago sativa)were used as controls.The spore density of AMF in the rhizosphere soil of five host plant was studied at 30 d,60 d and 100 d,respectively.The hyphal infection rate and arbuscular infection rate of five host plant after 100 d were measured.Effects of different soil types on AMF propagation were studied,and the correlation between spore density and soil factors was analyzed.The result showed that the average hyphae infection rate of Artemisia ordosica and Artemisia argyi was about 40%.The spore density in the rhizosphere soil of A.ordosica was 57N·10 g soil^(-1),which was significantly higher than that of other plants and showed a maximum at 60 d.correlation analysis showed that spore density was positively correlated with available phosphorus in soil and hyphal infection rate of AMF.But spore density was negatively correlated with soil pH.When A.ordosica was used as host plant,humus soil with higher soil nutrients and lower pH was the most suitable soil type for AM fungi propagation.
作者 山宝琴 宋惠子 李嘉怡 秦爽 凌小嫒 李婧 SHAN Baoqin;SONG Huizi;LI Jiayi;QIN Shuang;LING Xiaoyuan;LI Jing(School of Petroleum Engineering and Environmental Engineering,Yan’an University,Yan’an 716000,China;Shaanxi Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Conservation and Utilization of Biological Resources,Yan'an 716000,China)
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 2022年第5期128-133,共6页 Ecological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21866031) 陕西省区域生物资源保育与利用工程技术研究中心项目(sxqczx-2019-07) 陕西省延安市科技局项目(SL2019ZCNY-004) 陕西省大学生创新项目(S201910719066)。
关键词 丛枝菌根真菌 植物扩繁 油蒿 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi propagation Artemisia ordosica
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