
智慧化城市治理:驱动、挑战与进路 被引量:9

Smart City Governance:Driving,Challenges and the Way Forward
摘要 在城市场域、数字技术、社会问题和现实需求的驱动下,新时代城市治理为突破现阶段治理之局限、实现城市治理体系和治理能力现代化而向智慧化发展。我国智慧化城市治理进程面临着新旧理念冲突、多元主体协作不畅、技术应用风险、数据规则缺失、制度弹性不足等挑战。智慧与治理的深度融合是回应挑战与难题的主要进路,要把握住智慧之“形”和人本之“魂”,从理念、主体、技术、数据和制度等维度进行综合性的智慧化路径设计。 Driven by the urban market domain,digital technology,social issues and realistic needs,and in order to break through the limitations of the current stage of governance and to modernize the urban governance system and governance capacity,urban governance in the new era is transforming to smart governance.The process of transformation to smart governance for Chinese cities faces challenges such as the conflict between old and new concepts,the collaboration of multiple subjects,the risk of technology application,and the lack of data rules and institutional flexibility.The deep integration of smart system and governance is the main way to respond to the challenges and problems,and it is necessary to grasp the“form”of smart system and the“soul”of human-centeredness,and to design a comprehensive smart path from the dimensions of concept,subject,technology,data and system.
作者 杨峰 胡秋涵 任运月 Yang Feng;Hu Qiuhan;Ren Yunyue(School of Public Administration,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan,610065)
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期26-35,共10页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
基金 成都市科技计划项目“后疫情时代成都智慧城市提质增效研究”(项目编号:2020-RK00-00167-ZF) 四川大学“创新2035”先导计划“文明互鉴与全球治理研究”。
关键词 智慧城市 城市治理 智慧治理 技术治理 smart city urban governance smart governance technology governance
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