We describe and summarize the diagnosis,treatment,and reasons for delayed treatment of children with cryptorchidism torsion in Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University.The study included 19 cases of cryptorchidism torsion.The age of the children ranged from 16 days to 12 years(median:6 years).The interval from diagnosis to surgery varied from 4 h to 16 days(median:3 days).Ultrasound was performed in all cases.Fifteen cases had cryptorchidism torsion,2 cases had a soft tissue mass in the inguinal region,and 2 cases had an inguinal/abdominal teratoma.Five cases were treated with an orchidopexy,12 cases were treated with orchiectomy,and 2 cases received resection of a testicular tumor.The 5 children with an orchidopexy were followed up from 1 month to 7 years(median:3 years),with 1 child having a testis retraction and no blood supply.Of the 12 children who had an orchiectomy,three had delayed diagnosis due to family unawareness of the condition,while other delays were due to delayed referral from primary care facilities.The relative rarity and insufficient awareness of cryptorchidism torsion resulted in a low rate of testicular salvage.Therefore,hospitals of all levels should be fully aware of cryptorchidism with torsion and ensure a male child's genital system and inguinal region are examined to improve the success rate of testicular salvage.
supported by the Basic Research and Frontier Exploration Project of Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau of Yuzhong District(No.20200151).