传统的社区报警系统多为广播语音系统、短消息系统等,这些系统存在不能实现可视化管理,可靠性差等缺点。罗家寨气田社区报警系统以PLC为控制基础搭载多功能的操作界面,室外报警站点与报警控制中心通过GPRS 4G和Motorola TETRA冗余通讯链路确保系统数据传输的稳定性。罗家寨气田社区报警系统由报警控制中心、室外报警站、网络通讯、系统供电等部分组成。该社区报警系统具有易扩展,运行稳定,易操作,自动化集成度高等优点。本文通过介绍罗家寨气田社区报警系统,使读者对基于PLC的社区报警系统有一个全新的认识。基于PLC的社区报警系统与传统的社区报警系统相比,系统运行更稳定,更易操作,在油气田特别是高含硫气田的生产场站具有广阔的应用前景。
Most of the traditional community alarm systems are broadcast voice systems,short message systems,etc.these systems can not achieve visual management,poor reliability and other shortcomings.The community alarm system of Luojiazhai gas field is controlled by PLC and equipped with a multi-functional operation interface.The outdoor alarm station and the alarm control center ensure the stability of system data transmission through GPRS 4G and Motorola tetra redundant communication links.Luojiazhai gas field community alarm system consists of alarm control center,outdoor alarm station,network communication,system power supply,etc.The community alarm system has the advantages of easy expansion,stable operation,easy operation and high automation integration.By introducing the community alarm system of Luojiazhai gas field,this paper makes readers have a new understanding of the community alarm system based on PLC.Compared with the traditional community alarm system,the community alarm system based on PLC is more stably and easily to operate.It has a broad application prospect in the production stations of oil and gas fields,especially high sulfur gas fields.
Huang Yuan;Li Yan(SOUTHWEST OIL&GAS FIELD CDB OPERATION COMPANY,Sichuan,Dazhou,635000,China)