

An Analysis of Hu Yin’s Neo-Confucianism Thought from the Perspective of Discourse Community
摘要 胡寅有深厚的伊洛道学学养,他倾力著《崇正辨》批判佛教捍卫孔孟儒学。本体话语上,胡寅坚持道学规律性、规范性和主宰性的“天理”与运动性、载体性“气”并行,是人至善本性的根源,批判了佛教性空思想。功夫话语上,以格物、穷理和正心强调道学穷究人伦理则精察事务之分,批判佛教用心术自诳;以推仁心、别亲疏阐发爱有差等,批判了佛教和墨家爱无差。伦理政治话语上,以无所为而为善批判佛教、法家功利诱人为善;以孝悌、忠义来阐发君王当明父子之恩、君臣之义。由此可见,胡寅道学虽有显著道统捍卫色彩,但确实又凸显着积极应对现实人伦政治的儒家精神旨趣。 Hu Yin had a deep cultivation in Yiluo Neo-Confucianism(Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi’s NeoConfucianism).He devoted himself to writing his book Chong Zheng Bian(Upholding the Orthodox Thought)to criticize Buddhism and defend Confucianism.In terms of ontological discourse,Hu Yin insisted the idea that Neo-Confucianism’s regular,standard and dominant“Heavenly Principles”go together with the moving carrier“qi”,which are the roots of human nature of supreme goodness,hence,he criticized the Buddhist thought of void nature.In the aspect of Kungfu discourse,he emphasized Neo-Confucianism’s idea of making a thorough inquiry into human ethics by investigation of things,seeking the principles and rectifying the mind so as to do things properly and distinguish between right and wrong clearly,thus,he criticized Buddhism’s practice of using mental skills to deceive oneself.He expounded the differential love by the ideas of benevolent mind and distinguishing between the close and the distant,to criticize the indiscriminate love of Buddhism and Mohism.In the ethical and political discourse,he upheld the idea of non-doing as virtuous,to criticize Buddhism and Legalism for their utilitarianism(regarding luring people by material gain as virtuous).He used filial piety,loyalty and righteousness to expound that kings should be clear about the grace between father and son,the righteousness between the monarch and his subjects.It can be seen that although Hu Yin’s viewpoints defended the orthodoxy,they really highlighted the Confucian spiritual purport of actively dealing with the reality of human relations and politics.
作者 包佳道 Bao Jiadao(Jiangnan University,Wuxi Jiangsu 214122)
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2022年第3期116-121,共6页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
基金 教育部青年基金项目《前朱子时期道学话语共同体研究》(项目编号:19YJC720001) 江苏省哲学社会科学研究基金项目《伊洛道学话语共同体研究》(项目编号:18ZXB007) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目《震泽学派思想研究》(项目编号:2018SJZDl022)的阶段性成果。
关键词 道学 胡寅 穷理 推仁心 Neo-Confucianism Hu Yin Qi seeking the principles benevolent mind
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