

Research Progress in Quantitative Remote Sensing of Vegetation in Southwest Karst Area
摘要 喀斯特地区植被相比非喀斯特地区具有更高的时空差异性,在维持脆弱生态系统稳定与可持续发展中具有极其重要的作用。西南喀斯特地区作为全球生物多样性热点地区,植被类型多样且存在显著的同物异谱/同谱异物现象。为更精准、高效地进行喀斯特地区植被定量遥感研究,本文从个体尺度到生态系统尺度,从遥感数据源选择和方法应用上回顾了西南喀斯特地区植被定量遥感的研究进展,并探讨下一步需要重点关注的研究方向。西南喀斯特地区植被定量遥感研究主要集中在群落和生态系统尺度的植被覆盖度、植被分类、生态系统服务功能与价值研究;遥感影像数据应用相对单一,主要为被动成像中低分辨率的光学影像(如Landsat和MODIS)。在个体和种群尺度上,虽采用了地物高光谱遥感技术和无人机遥感技术,但该技术主要应用于小尺度近地面植物个体和种群研究,难以扩展到区域范围。亟待开展融合多源影像,尤其是激光雷达影像(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)与非影像数据的应用及其先进分析方法研究,以及个体和种群尺度的喀斯特地区植被生化参数定量估算与自然植被物种精准识别,群落和生态系统尺度的生物多样性与碳循环定量遥感研究工作,以期为喀斯特地区植被格局、过程及其生态系统服务功能定量研究、脆弱生态系统植被恢复和石漠化治理决策的制定提供参考。 Vegetation in karst areas has higher spatial and temporal differences than non-karst areas,and plays an extremely important role in maintaining the stability and sustainable development of fragile ecosystems.The karst area of Southwest China is a global biodiversity hotspot,which has various vegetation types and significant phenomenon of the same object with different spectrum/different object with the same spectrum.In order to carry out quantitative remote sensing research on vegetation in karst areas more accurately and efficiently,from individual scale to ecosystem scale,the research progress of quantitative remote sensing of vegetation in karst area of Southwest China was reviewed from the aspects of data source selection and method application,and the research directions that needed to be focused on in the next step were discussed.Quantitative remote sensing research on vegetation in karst area of Southwest China mainly focuses on vegetation coverage,vegetation classification,ecosystem service function and value at community and ecosystem scale.The application of remote sensing image data is relatively single,mainly low-resolution optical images in passive imaging(such as Landsat and MODIS).At the individual and population scales,although hyperspectral remote sensing technology and UAV remote sensing,this technology is mainly applied to the study of individual and population of small-scale near-ground plants,and it was difficult to expand to the regional scale.It is urgent to carry out research on the application and advanced analysis methods of multi-source image fusion,especially Light Detection and Ranging(LiDAR)and non-image data,as well as quantitative estimation of vegetation biochemical parameters and accurate identification of natural vegetation species at individual and population scales in karst areas,and quantitative remote sensing research on biodiversity and carbon cycle at community and ecosystem scales.It is expected to provide reference for quantitative study on vegetation pattern,process and ecosystem service function,vegetation restoration of fragile ecosystem and decision-making of rocky desertification control in karst area.
作者 姚月锋 何文 YAO Yuefeng;HE Wen(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain,Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin,Guangxi,541006,China)
出处 《广西科学》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第5期824-838,共15页 Guangxi Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(32060369,31860174) 广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB22035060)资助。
关键词 植被状况 尺度 多源数据 定量遥感 喀斯特地貌 西南地区 vegetation condition scale multi-source data quantitative remote sensing karst landform Southwest China
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