
数字技术与中国旅游全要素生产率--基于非线性与异质性的考量 被引量:7

Digital Technology and Tourism Total Factor Productivity in China:A Nonlinear Studywith Heterogeneous Consideration
摘要 文章选取2013—2020年中国省级面板数据,通过使用固定效应非线性模型、调节效应模型,实证检验了数字技术对旅游全要素生产率的影响。研究发现:数字技术影响旅游全要素生产率呈现先抑制后促进的“U”型变化趋势,且主要通过技术进步发挥作用;进一步研究发现:数字技术通过旅游经济增长、旅游产业结构升级的正向调节作用对旅游全要素生产率产生“U”型影响。异质性分析表明:数字技术对旅游全要素生产率影响的“U”型关系仅存在于旅游景区禀赋较低地区、高技术创新水平地区以及东部地区。 Based on Chinese provincial panel data from 2013 to 2020,this paper empirically tests the impact of digital technology on tourism total factor productivitythrough a combination of fixed effect nonlinear estimation and moderating effect model.It is found that digital technology affects tourism total factor productivity in a"U"-shaped trend of first inhibiting and then promoting,and it mainly works through technological progress;further research finds that digital technology positively regulates tourism total factor productivity through tourism economic growth and tourism industry structure upgrading.It is further found that digital technology has a"U"-shape impact on tourism total factor productivity through the positive regulation of tourism economic growth and tourism industry structure upgrading.The heterogeneity analysis shows that the"U"-shaped relationship of digital technology on tourism total factor productivity exists only in regions with low endowment of tourist attractions,high level of technological innovation and eastern regions.
作者 冀雁龙 李金叶 JI Yan-long;LI Jin-ye(School of Economics and Management,Xinjiang University,Urumqi Xinjiang 830046,China;School of Yungangology,Shanxi Datong University,Datong Shanxi 037009,China)
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2022年第11期107-112,共6页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71964032) 新疆维吾尔自治区社会科学项目(19BJL028)。
关键词 数字技术 旅游全要素生产率 旅游经济 产业结构 Digital technology Tourism total factor productivity Tourism economic Industrial structure
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