

Suitability evaluation of underground space based on analysis of geological elements——Take Jiangmen Xinhui as an example
摘要 在综合分析江门市新会区地质环境条件的基础上,从地形地貌、构造地质、岩土体、水文地质和不良地质等五方面,构建了由地形地貌类型、断裂构造缓冲距离等8个指标组成的地下空间地质环境适宜性评估指标体系,采用了层次分析法与多目标线性加权函数法相结合的方法进行分区评价。评价结果表明:次浅层、次深层地下空间的地质环境适宜性整体较好;制约浅层地下空间开发利用的主要影响因素为地表水及软土问题等;次浅层和次深层岩土体条件较好,受含水砂层富水性及断裂构造等影响较大;适宜性差区域主要分布于潭江、西江水道附近。该成果可为地区地下空间开发规划和建设提供科学依据。 Based on the comprehensive analysis of the geological environment conditions in Xinhui District of Jiangmen city, from the five aspects of the topography, structural geology, rock-soil mass, hydrogeology, and adverse geology, the suitability evaluation index system of geological environment in the underground space is constructed, which is composed of eight indexes such as the types of topography and the buffer distance of fault structure. The method of analytic hierarchyprocesscombined withmulti-objective linear weighted function is used for the partition evaluation.The evaluation results show that the geological environment suitability of sub-shallow and sub-deep underground space is overall good;the main factors restricting the development and utilization of shallow underground space are surface water and soft soil;and the rock and soil conditions of thesub-shallow and sub-deep underground space are better, which are greatly affected by water-rich and layer and fault structure;poor suitability areas are mainly distributed near Tanjiang and Xijiang waterways.The results can provide the scientific basis for the planning and construction of the development for regional underground space.
作者 庄卓涵 ZHUANG Zhuo-han(Guangdong Geological Survey Institute,Guangzhou 510080,Guangdong,China)
出处 《地下水》 2022年第5期145-148,151,共5页 Ground water
基金 江门市新会区财政项目:“新会区地质调查”(440705-201911-121000-0002)。
关键词 地下空间 地质环境条件 多目标线性加权函数法 适宜性评价 Underground space geological environment Multi-objective linear weighted function method suitability evaluation
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