

Research Progress and Resistance Mechanism of Muskmelon Fusarium Wilt
摘要 以枯萎病为首的真菌性土传病害在棚室生产过程中愈加频繁的出现对甜瓜的品质和产量造成不可逆的影响,并且极大地增加了田园规划与栽培管理的成本。通过分子育种手段及病害生物防治等方面选育具备综合优良性状的品种是绿色、生态解决甜瓜病害危机的根本方式。本文基于VOSviewer知识图谱可视化分析,结合CNKI数据库瓜类枯萎病首次报道以来的研究热点和趋势综述了甜瓜枯萎病病原菌种类及生理特征研究现状、甜瓜对枯萎病抗性机制、抗病基因及抗性遗传规律,从当前研究现状拓展新的研究方向。 The more frequent occurrence of fungal soilborne diseases led by Fusarium wilt in the process of shed production has irreversible effects on the quality and yield of melon,and greatly increases the cost of pastoral planning and cultivation management.Breeding varieties with comprehensive good traits through molecular breeding and disease biological control is the fundamental way to solve the melon disease crisis green and ecological.Based on the visualization analysis of knowledge map of VOSviewer,combined with the research hotspots and trends of melon Fusarium wilt since its first report in CNKI database,this paper reviewed the current research status of pathogen species and physiological characteristics of melon Fusarium wilt,melon resistance mechanism,resistance genes and resistance genetic rules,and expanded new research directions from the current research status.
作者 王迪 刘泰 徐慧春 杜志强 车野 WANG Di;LIU Tai;XU Huichun;DU Zhiqiang;CHE Ye(Daqing Branch,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Daqing 163316,China)
出处 《黑龙江农业科学》 2023年第1期112-117,共6页 Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 黑龙江省农业科学院“农业科技创新跨越工程”专项(HNK2019CX10)。
关键词 甜瓜枯萎病 抗性机制 遗传规律 VOSviewer知识图谱 muskmelon Fusarium wilt resistance mechanism law of heredity VOSviewer knowledge graph
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