

Understanding and Judgment of "Trademark Use" in Trademark Law——Based on the Multi-dimensional Perspective of Communication Behavior, Process and System
摘要 理清使用意图与使用效果之于商标使用的关系,有助于区分行为方式是商标使用还是非商标使用。作为一种分析工具,传播学理论提供了传播行为、传播过程和传播系统三个维度,来科学界定商标使用在《商标法》中的三重意义。传播行为维度下的商标使用特指通过一定的方式使用具备固有显著性的商标标志,来向理性消费者传递识别商品来源意图的商标使用行为。传播过程维度下的商标使用是在商标使用行为的基础上,附加使用效果后形成的商标确权性使用和商标侵权性使用。传播系统维度下的商标使用是由定义商标使用行为的《商标法》第48条,以及规定商标使用效果的其他条款共同构成的商标使用制度体系。在司法实践中应当采用二分思路,分别适用行为人主观意图标准和消费者识别效果标准,来区分判断商标使用行为以及商标确权性使用和商标侵权性使用,同时肯定前者在商标使用纠纷中的先决性地位,从而使其与后两者形成逻辑递进的判断次序。 Clarifying the relationship between the purpose as well as effect of use and trademark use helps to distinguish whether the behavior is trademark use or non-trademark use.As an analytical tool,communication theory provides three dimensions of communication behavior,process and system to scientifically define the triple meaning of trademark use in Trademark Law.From the dimension of communication behavior,trademark use refers to the behavior of using trademarks with inherent distinctiveness in a certain way to convey the purpose of identifying the sources of goods to rational consumers.From the dimension of communication process,trademark use refers to the trademark confirming use and infringing use,which is formed by adding the effect of use on the basis of the behavior of trademark use.From the dimension of communication system,trademark use refers to the system composed of Article 48 of the Trademark Law,which defines the behavior of trademark use,and other provisions defining the effect of trademark use.Judicial practice should follow the dichotomy of the behavior and effect of trademark,applying the"Perspective of the Intention of Use"and the"Perspective of Consumer Identificatio"respectively to distinguish between the behavior of trademark use and the confirming use and infringing use,and at the same time affirm priority of the behavior of the trademark use in trademark use disputes,so that a progressive order of judgment is formed between the behavior of the trademark use and the confirming use and infringing use.
作者 李昊 Li Hao
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《电子知识产权》 2022年第12期25-42,共18页 Electronics Intellectual Property
关键词 商标使用 商标使用行为 商标使用效果 二分思路 Trademark Use The Behavior of Trademark Use The Effect of Trademark Use Dichotomy
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