

Research on the direct location of double-satellite to the unknown ground radiation source
摘要 为解决卫星平台对地面辐射源无源定位需要参数测量导致的信号关联困难和信息损失问题,提出了一种针对未知辐射源的脉冲相参累积直接定位算法。该算法利用脉冲时差与相位差信息,通过最大似然估计原理构建代价函数实现定位。仿真分析表明,定位方法可有效应用于卫星平台,且在低信噪比条件下,可通过脉冲相参累积提升定位精度。 This paper proposes a direct location algorithm of pulses phase-coherent accumulation for unknown radiation source to deal with the issue of constrained positioning accuracy caused by parameter measurement for the passive location of ground radiation source via satellite platform. The algorithm applies the principle of maximum likelihood estimation to generate the cost function using the information of pulse time and phase differences of arrival. Simulation analysis demonstrates that the location method can be efficiently utilized on satellite platforms, and pulses phase-coherent accumulation can successfully minimize location error in the presence of low SNR.
作者 罗迪 尹灿斌 李智 LUO Di;YIN Can-bin;LI Zhi(Space Engineering University,Beijing 101400,China)
机构地区 航天工程大学
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2023年第1期136-143,共8页 Command Control & Simulation
关键词 双星 时差 相位差 直接定位 相参累积 double-satellite TDOA phase difference direct location coherent accumulation
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