

Research on Buffering Characteristics of a Wedge Buffering Structure of Aero-engine Thrust Reverse Actuator
摘要 为了削弱航空发动机反推作动器在展开过程末端的强烈机械冲击,将楔形液压缸缓冲结构应用于该反推作动器。本文建立了该反推作动器节流缓冲的数学模型和Simulink仿真模型,对该作动器在缓冲过程中的速度特性和时间特性进行仿真,分析了速度和压力对其缓冲特性的影响。研究结果表明,本文提出的楔形缓冲结构有助于减小航空发动机反推作动器活塞与筒体的碰撞速度,能有效削弱工作末端的冲击;在保证运行速度不变的前提下,可以通过适当降低系统的通油压力来提高反推作动器的节流缓冲效果。 In order to weaken the violent collision of deploying process of aero-engine reverse actuator,a wedgeshaped hydraulic cylinder buffering structure is applied to the thrust reverser.The mathematical model and numerical model of the throttle buffer of the thrust reverser is established.The Simulink is used to study the velocity characteristic and time characteristic of thrust reverser actuator.The influence of velocity and pressure on the buffering characteristic is also analyzed.The results show that the proposed wedge-shaped buffering structure can help to reduce the collision velocity between the piston and the cylinder.It can effectively weaken the impact of actuator working end.On the premise of ensuring the buffering velocity,appropriately reducing the oil pressure contributes to improving the throttling and buffering effect of the thrust reverser actuator.
作者 田杨涛 王胜 袁杰 王文山 Tian Yangtao;Wang Sheng;Yuan Jie;Wang Wenshan(AVIC Qing’an Group Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710077,China)
出处 《航空科学技术》 2023年第1期21-27,共7页 Aeronautical Science & Technology
关键词 航空发动机 节流缓冲 仿真分析 作动器 SIMULINK aero-engine buffering effect simulated analysis actuator Simulink
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