

Comparison of Models for the Relationship between Diameter-Outside-Bark and Diameter-Inside-Bark for Four Species in Jingouling Forest Farm
摘要 分别对4个不同树种带皮胸径(DOB)与去皮胸径(DIB)关系模型比较选优,采用文献中常用的4个模型作为备选模型,使用金沟岭林场4个树种共941组解析木和标准木数据,以带皮胸径为因变量,去皮胸径为自变量来构造模型。使用决定系数R^(2),平均绝对误差MP和平均相对误差PMB来衡量模型的优劣,选择R^(2)大,MB、PMB小的模型作为最优模型。4个树种的带皮胸径与去皮胸径关系模型分别为:云杉(DOB=0.40212+1.03353DIB)、红松(DOB=0.32533+1.03116DIB)、枫桦(DOB=0.39351+1.01077DIB+0.001DIB2)、山杨(DOB=0.24052+1.05293DIB),平均绝对误差介于0.1638~0.3003 cm,相对平均误差介于1.08~2.18。构建的4个树种的最优带皮胸径与去皮胸径关系模型都达到了极显著水平(P<0.001),可以用于该地区森林生长模型构建。 To compare the models reflecting relationship between diameter-outside-bark(DOB)and diameter-inside-bark(DIB)of 4 tree species.Using the four models selected in the literatures as the alternative model,941 groups of stem analysis data and sample trees data of the four tree species in Jingouling forest farm were analyzed.The models were constructed by using the DOB as the dependent variable and the DIB as the independent variable.The determining coefficient R^(2),the average absolute error MB and the average relative error PMB was used to assess the models,the model with larger R^(2),less MB and PMB were taken as the optimal model.The model between DOB and DIB of 4 tree species were as follows:Picea koraiensis(DOB=0.40212+1.03353DIB),Pinus koraiensis(DOB=0.32533+1.03116DIB),Betula costata(DOB=0.39351+1.01077DIB+0.001DIB2),Populus davidiana(DOB=0.24052+1.05293DIB).The average absolute error ranged from 0.1638 to 0.3003 cm and the relative mean error was between 1.08 and 2.18.The optimal models of DOB and DIB for 4 tree species have reached the highly significant level(P<0.001),which can be used for forest growth model establishment in this region.
作者 孙晓林 赵倩 万猛 Sun xiaolin;Zhao Qian;Wan Meng(The Forestry Resources Monitoring Institution of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450045,China;Natural Resources Bureau of Wen Xian,Henan Wenxian 454850,China)
出处 《河南林业科技》 2023年第1期11-14,共4页 Journal of Henan Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 带皮胸径 去皮胸径 模型 比选 金沟岭林场 Diameter-outside-bark Diameter-inside-bark Models Comparison Jingouling forest farm
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