
基于Kaiser模型的灾害脆弱性分析在妇科护理风险管理中的应用研究 被引量:2

Application of Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Based on Kaiser Model in Risk Management of Gynecological Nursing
摘要 目的运用基于Kaiser模型的灾害脆弱性分析(HVA)对妇科护理管理相关事件进行风险评估,识别高风险事件,为开展风险管理提供依据。方法构建妇科护理管理风险事件指标体系,运用HVA对3大类51项指标进行风险评估,通过指标可能性与严重性矩阵分析,对排名前5的高风险事件开展应急演练和改进。结果通过HVA对妇科护理高风险事件进行干预前后比较,原高风险5项优先改进指标风险值均有所下降,干预后的原高风险5项护理安全事件发生比例均低于干预前,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论采用HVA评估妇科护理风险事件,提高妇科护理风险管理效率,保障医疗质量与患者安全。 Objective To apply hazard vulnerability analysis(HVA)based on Kaiser model to assess the risk of gynecological nursing management-related events,identify high-risk events,and provide basis for risk management.Methods The index system of risk events in gynecological nursing management was constructed,and 51 indicators in 3 categories were assessed by HVA.Through the matrix analysis of index possibility and severity,the top 5 high-risk events were drilled and improved.Results By comparing before and after HVA intervention on high-risk nursing events in gynecology,the risk values of the original high-risk five priority improvement indicators decreased,and the proportion of the original high-risk five nursing safety events after intervention was lower than that before intervention,and the difference was statistically significant(p<0.05).Conclusion Using HVA to evaluate gynecological nursing risk events can improve the efficiency of gynecological nursing risk management and ensure medical quality and patient safety.
作者 吴菁 李雪艳 张超南 徐小群 WU Jing;LI Xue-yan;ZHANG Chao-nan;XU Xiao-qun(The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University)
出处 《医院管理论坛》 2023年第1期42-45,共4页 Hospital Management Forum
关键词 灾害脆弱性分析 风险管理 妇科护理 KAISER模型 Hazard vulnerability analysis Risk management Gynecological nursing KAISER model
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