利用最新的森林资源二类调查分布数据和野外样地调查资料,采用InVEST模型和空间统计分析等方法,研究了海南岛森林生态系统碳储量及其空间分布特征。结果表明:海南岛森林生态系统总碳储量为338.15 TgC,其中地上生物、地下生物、凋落物和土壤的碳储量分别为85.12、18.73、2.90 TgC和231.40 TgC,所占比重依次为25.17%、5.54%、0.86%和68.43%。海南岛森林生态系统平均碳密度为147.66 MgC/hm^(2),其中地上生物、地下生物、凋落物和土壤碳密度分别为37.17、8.18、1.27 MgC/hm^(2)和101.04 MgC/hm^(2)。不同市县森林生态系统碳储量分布在8.55—35.40 TgC的范围内,最高的是琼中县。不同植被类型中,橡胶林的碳储量最高,占全岛森林生态系统总碳储量的27.72%;热带山地雨林的碳密度最高,达到249.64 MgC/hm^(2)。在海拔梯度上,森林生态系统碳密度呈现先增加后减少的变化特征,在海拔600—1300 m范围内的碳密度最高,碳密度为200.37—228.86 MgC/hm^(2)。海南岛森林生态系统碳储量在空间分布上具有非常显著的空间聚集性(P<0.01),呈现出中间高、四周低的空间分布格局。未来应加强天然林资源保护与修复,科学森林经营,优化林分结构,提升森林固碳增汇能力。
Carbon storage in forest ecosystems is one of the largest and most active components of carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems,its carbon storage level and carbon sequestration potential have been of great concern.Research into the spatial distribution characteristics of carbon storage and carbon density in forest ecosystems plays an important role in the evaluation of carbon sequestration potentials and healthy forest management.Forest vegetation carbon,soil organic carbon,forest litter carbon and dead tree carbon are the four main carbon pools in forest ecosystems.Based on the latest distribution data of forest resource inventory and field sample-plot survey information,the carbon storage and spatial distribution characteristics of the forest ecosystem in Hainan Island were studied using the InVEST model and spatial statistical analysis.The results are as follows:The total carbon storage of the forest ecosystem in Hainan Island is 338.15 TgC.The carbon storages of aboveground organisms,belowground organisms,litterfall,and soil are 85.12,18.73,2.90 TgC and 231.40 TgC,with 25.17%,5.54%,0.86%,and 68.43%,respectively.The average carbon density of forest ecosystem in Hainan Island is 147.66 MgC/hm^(2),of which 37.17,8.18,1.27,and 101.04 MgC/hm^(2)for aboveground organisms,belowground organisms,litterfall,and soil,respectively.The carbon storages of forest ecosystems in different cities and counties range from 8.55 TgC to 35.40 TgC,with the highest in Qiongzhong County.Among different vegetation types,rubber forests show the highest carbon storages,accounting for 27.72%of the total carbon storages of forest ecosystems across the Island,while the tropical montane rainforests possess the highest carbon density with 249.64 MgC/hm^(2).Regarding the altitudinal gradient,the carbon density of forest ecosystems shows an increase followed by a decrease,and the highest carbon density occurs within 600-1300 m above sea level,and the carbon density ranges from 200.37 MgC/hm^(2)to 228.86 MgC/hm^(2).The spatial distribution of carbon storages of forest ecosystems in Hainan Island has a significantly spatial aggregation(P<0.01),showing a pattern of high in the middle and low in the surroundings.In the future,we should strengthen the protection and restoration of natural forest resources,achieve scientific management of forests,and optimize the stand structure to realize carbon sequestration and sink enhancement of forests.
GAO Shuchao;CHEN Yiqing;CHEN Zongzhu;LEI Jinrui;WU Tingtian(Hainan Forestry Bureau,Haikou 570203,China;Hainan Academy of Forestry(Hainan Academy of Mangrove),Haikou 571100,China;Hainan Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Application of Tropical Forestry Resources,Haikou 571100,China)
Acta Ecologica Sinica