

Study on Optimization of Extraction Process of Volatile Oil from Paederia scandens Based on Response Surface Method
摘要 以鸡矢藤为原料,在单因素试验基础上,使用Box-Benhnken响应面法,将鸡矢藤挥发油含量作为响应值,建立数学回归模型,分析优化提取鸡矢藤挥发油工艺。结果表明,鸡矢藤挥发油最佳提取工艺参数是粒径429μm、料液比1∶9.3(g∶mL)、提取时间2.63 h,在该条件下,挥发油含量为3.12%,鸡矢藤挥发油提取稳定、可靠。 Paederia scandens was used as the raw material,on the basis of single-factor experiment,the Box-Benhnken response surface method was used to establish a mathematical regression model using the volatile oil content of Paederia scandens as the response value,and to analyze and optimize the extraction process of Paederia scandens volatile oil.The results showed that the optimal extraction process parameter for volatile oil from Paederia scandens was particle size 429μm,solid-liquid ratio 1∶9.3(g∶mL),extraction time 2.63 hours,under this condition,the volatile oil content was 3.12%.The extraction of volatile oil from Paederia scandens was stable and reliable.
作者 安莉 刘腾恬 单娜 党艳妮 杨祎辰 马存德 AN Li;LIU Teng-tian;SHAN Na(Shaanxi Institute of International Trade&Commerce,Xianyang,Shaanxi 712046;Shaanxi Buchang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an,Shaanxi 710075)
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2023年第10期149-152,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 2018年中医药公共卫生服务补助资金项目(财社〔2018〕43号) 2019年医疗服务与保障能力提升补助资金项目(财社〔2019〕39号)。
关键词 鸡矢藤 挥发油 响应面法 提取工艺优化 Paederia scandens Volatile oil Response surface method Extraction process optimization
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