
纳秒激光诱导超疏水316L不锈钢表面的制备及其耐腐蚀性能研究 被引量:1

Preparation of Superhydrophobic 316L Stainless Steel Surface by Nanosecond Laser-Induced and Its Corrosion Resistance
摘要 为改善316L不锈钢在海洋环境中的耐腐蚀性能,采用纳秒光纤激光对试样表面进行刻蚀,该方法能制备得到接触角大于160°,滚动角小于3°的超疏水不锈钢表面。白光干涉仪和SEM扫描电子显微镜的结果表明,增大激光功率不仅会提高试样表面的粗糙度,还会形成明显的微米级的条状突起/凹坑结构和球状结构,这为超疏水表面的建立提供了结构支撑。未处理的316L不锈钢表面的腐蚀电流密度为1.316×10^(-6)A·cm^(-2),而使用100 W的激光功率制备的超疏水试样表面的腐蚀电流密度为1.349×10^(-7)A·cm^(-2),缓蚀效率为89.75%,表明所制得的不锈钢表面具有良好的耐腐蚀性能。 To improve the corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel in the marine environment,a nanosecond fiber laser was used to etch the surface of the sample.A superhydrophobic stainless steel surface with a contact angle greater than 160°and a rolling angle less than 3°could be prepared by the method.The observation results of the sample surface using white light interferometer and scanning electron microscope(SEM)show that with the increase of laser power,the surface roughness of the sample surface also increases,and obvious micron strips/pits and spherical structures appear,which can provide structural support for the establishment of the superhydrophobicity on the surface.The corrosion current density of the untreated 316L stainless steel surface is 1.316×10^(-6) A·cm^(-2),while the corrosion current density of the superhydrophobic sample surface prepared with 100 W laser power is 1.349×10^(-7) A·cm^(-2),and the corrosion inhibition efficiency can reach 89.75%,which indicate that the prepared stainless steel surface has good corrosion resistance.
作者 王帅 于世胜 于庆华 申云磊 陈列 刘顿 WANG Shuai;YU Shisheng;YU Qinghua;SHEN Yunlei;CHEN Lie;LIU Dun(PLA Navy Submarine Academy,Qingdao 266043,China;The 92212th Unit of PLA,Qingdao 266109,China;School of Mechanical Engineering,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China)
出处 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2023年第8期108-112,共5页 Hot Working Technology
关键词 316L不锈钢 纳秒激光 超疏水 耐腐蚀性能 316L stainless steel nanosecond laser superhydrophobic corrosion resistance
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