

Key Technologies for Installing the Integral Cabin Unit of Ropax in General Section Stage
摘要 为减轻码头阶段的工作量,提出一种整体舱室单元总段安装的客滚船设计建造方法,并从设计、建造、变形与精度控制等3方面对该方法的关键技术进行分析。研究表明:整体舱室单元总段安装法具有实际可行性,能缩短船舶的建造周期,符合“空间分道,时间有序”的现代化造船理念。研究成果可为客滚船的建造和安装提供一定参考。 In order to reduce the workload on the dock,a design and construction method for installing the integral cabin unit of ropaxes in the general section stage is proposed,and the key technologies of this method are analyzed from three aspects:design,construction,deformation and accuracy control.Research shows that the method has practical feasibility,can shorten the construction cycle of ships,and is in line with the modern shipbuilding concept of"space separation,time order".The research results can provide some references for the construction and installation of ropaxes..
作者 董洪佳 郑和辉 欧书博 刘鑫男 倪维松 徐谦 DONG Hongjia;ZHENG Hehui;OU Shubo;LIU Xinnan;NI Weisong;XU Qian(China Merchants Jinling Shipyard(Weihai)Co.,Ltd.,Weihai 264200,Shandong,China;China Merchants Cruise Research Institute(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200137,China)
出处 《船舶标准化工程师》 2023年第4期21-23,54,共4页 Ship Standardization Engineer
基金 2021年度山东省重点研发计划(2021CXGC010702)。
关键词 客滚船 整体舱室单元 总段安装 ropax integral cabin unit installation of general section
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