
亚洲区域经济一体化与亚洲增长新动能 被引量:3

Regional Economic Integration in Asia and New Dynamics of Asian Economy Growth
摘要 区域经济一体化是促进亚洲地区繁荣发展的重要因素之一,它呈现出多元化主导、多轨道路径与多速度演进的特点。亚洲区域一体化通过促进贸易投资流动、塑造区域供应链网络、提供公共产品、应对外部冲击和创造包容性发展等为本区域的经济增长提供了新的动能。未来亚洲国家需进一步加强深度区域制度性合作与创新,为实现经济可持续、创新、包容、安全、韧性发展创造新的动能与活力。 As a key factor promoting Asian prosperity and development,regional economic integration is characterized by diversified dominance,multi-track paths and multi-speed evolution.It has provided new dynamics to economic growth in Asia through promoting trade and investment flows,shaping regional supply chain networks,providing public goods,coping with external shocks and creating inclusive development.Asian countries need to enforce their in-depth cooperation and innovation regionally and institutionally for new dynamics and vitality of the sustainable,innovative,inclusive,safe and resilient economic development in future.
作者 盛斌 Sheng Bin
机构地区 南开大学
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第15期4-12,共9页 Frontiers
关键词 区域经济一体化 自由贸易协定 亚洲 亚太地区 regional economic integration Free Trade Agreement(FTA) Asia Asia-Pacific region
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