
水活度和温度对苦荞麦黄曲霉菌株MI18-S1生长和产毒的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Water Activity and Temperature on Growth and Toxin-producing of Aspergillus flavus MI18-S1 on Tartary Buckwheat Grains
摘要 【目的】探究不同水活度和温度对苦荞成熟种子中黄曲霉菌株生长及产毒的影响,明确荞麦中黄曲霉生长及产毒的适宜条件,为荞麦在收获、加工、运输和储藏各环节的科学管理提供数据支撑。【方法】从贵米苦荞18-1号成熟种子中分离出黄曲霉菌株MI18-S1,通过添加不同量的甘油调节培养基水活度(0.87、0.90、0.93、0.95、0.99),分别置于不同温度(15、21、28、35、42℃)下培养7 d。测量菌落直径,用血球计数板计算产孢量,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定菌株产毒量。【结果】黄曲霉菌株MI18-S1能产毒B_(1)、B_(2),以B_(1)为主,但不产毒G_(1)和G_(2);当温度为28℃、水活度为0.93时,该菌株的产孢量和产毒量均最大;当温度高于28℃时,菌落在高水活度下生长较好;当温度低于15℃或高于42℃时生长速率很缓慢甚至不生长、也不产毒;在15~42℃内,产毒量随着温度的升高呈先上升后下降趋势。多元线性回归分析结果表明,菌落直径对产毒量的线性影响不显著,产毒量主要受水活度、温度和产孢量这3个因素影响,并且产孢量对产毒量的影响最大;产孢量主要受水活度、温度、产毒量和菌落直径这4个因素影响,并且产毒量对产孢量影响最大。【结论】当水活度为0.93、温度28℃时黄曲霉产孢产毒量均达到最大,因此在荞麦生产链的很多环节,尤其是储藏阶段,应尽量避免此最适条件,从而控制荞麦的产孢产毒量,保障食品健康。本研究可为制定荞麦收获、加工、运输和储藏时黄曲霉污染的防控措施提供理论依据和数据支撑。 【Objective】Effects of water activity(aw)and temperature on the growth and toxicity of Aspergillus flavus on mature grains of tartary buckwheat were studied to determine the safety conditions for harvest,processing,transportation,and storage of the crop.【Method】Varied medium aw(i.e.,0.87,0.90,0.93,0.95 and 0.99)were created by additions of glycerol to culture A.flavus MI18-S1 isolated from the infected grains for a 7-day test at 15,21,28,35 or 42℃.Colony diameter on petri dish was measured,spore count calculated from the blood cell counter board,and aflatoxin content determined by HPLC.【Result】The fungus was found to produce aflatoxins B_(1) and B_(2),predominately B_(1),but not G_(1) or G_(2).The highest spore count and toxicity were generated at 28℃and aw=0.93.When the temperature was above 28℃,the colony could grow better under high water activity.At a temperature either below 15℃or above 42℃,the fungal growth and toxin-production slowed or ceased.Within the range between these temperatures,the aflatoxin content increased at first and followed by a decline.A multivariate linear regression analysis showed no significant correlation between the colony diameter and the toxin production.Instead,the amount of aflatoxin generated in the culture was mainly affected by the aw and temperature of the environment,and most critically,sporulation of the fungus.And,sporulation of the fungus was significantly affected by the aw,temperature of the environment,the amount of aflatoxin generated in the culture and the colony diameter.【Conclusion】The growth and aflatoxin production of A.flavus on buckwheat grains were at peak when stored at 28℃on a medium with aw of 0.93.Therefore,in many aspects of the buckwheat production chain,especially during the storage stage,it is advisable to avoid these optimal conditions in order to control the spore and toxin production of buckwheat,ensuring food safety.This study can provide a theoretical basis and data support for the development of preventive and control measures against Aspergillus flavus contamination during buckwheat harvesting,processing,transportation,and storage.
作者 周飘 张晓娜 陈庆富 ZHOU Piao;ZHANG Xiaona;CHEN Qingfu(Technical Research Center for Buckwheat Industry,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550000,China)
出处 《福建农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期882-888,共7页 Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31860408) 国家燕麦荞麦现代农业产业技术体系专项资金项目(CARS-07-A5) 贵州省农业科技支撑计划项目(黔科合支撑[2017]2505、黔科合支撑[2018]2320) 贵州省高层次创新型人才培养对象十百千计划项目(黔科合人才[2015]4020号) 贵州省特色杂粮体系(黔农[2018]) 贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合成果[2019]4334)。
关键词 荞麦 黄曲霉毒素 温度 水活度 产孢量 产毒量 高效液相色谱 Buckwheat aflatoxin temperature water activity sporulation quantity toxin production HPLC
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