Investment⁃linked insurance contracts are different from traditional insurance contracts in that the former involves dual natures of insurance and entrustment legal relationships,while the latter mainly consists of insurance legal relationship.However,this difference does not negate the insurance property of investment⁃linked insurance,and its“investment”function is actually the tone⁃up of the“protection”function of insurance.In practice,investment⁃linked insurance contracts mainly involve the following issues:allocation of rights and obligations of the parties,legal status of the separate investment account and investment account and supervision of investment fund operation,stability of insurance transactions and maintenance of policy validity,attribution of the separate investment account and insurance policy cash value and investment account fund.Regarding the configuration of the rights and obligations of the parties,if there is an agreement in the investment⁃linked insurance contract,the agreement shall be followed;if there is no agreement,the regulation of the insurance legal relationship and the entrustment legal relationship under the investment⁃linked insurance contract shall be applied respectively according to the Insurance Law and the Civil Code division on the entrustment contract.The Insurance Law does not specify which party the investment account fund belongs to.Such problem can be solved by clarifying the legal status of investment accounts and formulating individualized plans for opening investment ac⁃counts.For the investment account with the effect of“property segregation”,although the separate investment account fund is dif⁃ferent from the insurance company′s own funds,the insurance company should use the separate investment account funds in ac⁃cordance with relevant regulations on the use of insurance funds.The Insurance Law′s provision on the policyholder′s“right to cancel the contract”has broken through the contract binding force theory.Therefore it is necessary to properly review the policy⁃holder′s purpose and consequence in executing the“arbitrary”right of cancellation in combination with the principle of integrity,
ZOU Xiang-yuan;LI Qing-wu
Insurance Studies
investment⁃linked insurance
contract linkage
separate investment account