

Construction of Core Competitiveness Models and Identifi cation Paths for World-class Professional Leading Demonstration Enterprises
摘要 建设世界一流专业领军企业作为国有企业提升局部竞争力的重要抓手,将为客观条件难以达到世界一流的国有企业提供新的发展思路与示范,在分类推动世界一流企业创建的过程中起到关键作用。本文基于国资委提出的世界一流专业领军示范企业专业突出、创新驱动、管理精益、特色明显四个特征,结合企业核心竞争力要素模型,构建形成世界一流专业领军示范企业核心竞争力“四维三层”通用模型,并明确世界一流专业领军示范企业核心竞争力的识别路径。 The construction of world-class professional leading enterprises,as an important part of state-owned enterprises to enhance their local competitiveness,will provide new development paths and demonstrations for state-owned enterprises whose development is hindered because of objective conditions,and play a key role in the process of promoting the creation of world-class enterprises in the classifi cation.Based on the four characteristics of world-class professional leading demonstration enterprises,namely,outstanding professionalism,innovation-driven model,lean management,and obvious characteristics,put forward by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council,and combined with the enterprise core competitiveness model,this paper constructs a four-dimensional and three-layered general model of the core competitiveness of world-class professional leading demonstration enterprises and clarifi es the identifi cation paths of the core competitiveness of world-class professional leading demonstration enterprises.
作者 丁泽俊 陈双 徐迪 DING Zejun;CHEN Shuang;XU Di(CSG Electric Power Research Institute Guangzhou,Guangdong 510663)
出处 《中国商论》 2023年第22期165-168,共4页 China Journal of Commerce
关键词 世界一流企业 专业领军示范 核心竞争力要素模型 识别路径 world-class enterprises professional leader demonstration core competitiveness factor model identifi cation paths
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