

Research on water quality of the heat-exchange tank in a passive containment heat removal system
摘要 为解决“华龙一号”非能动安全壳热量导出系统(passive containment heat removal system,PCS)换热水箱长期静置后的水质管理问题,设计相应的水质管理方案。本文设计了2个水箱实验体进行对比实验,并通过定期取样获得了PCS水箱长期静置及加药后的水质变化参数。实验结果证明PCS设置的U型管水封能起到良好的隔离作用,保证了水箱本体的水质;添加双氧水能有效抑制水箱中钠、氯和硫酸根离子质量分数的增加。本文提出的水质管理方案为PCS水箱水质管理的运行提供了理论支持,并为核电厂非能动系统的安全运行提供了保障。 In order to control the water quality change in a passive containment heat removal system(PCS)heat�exchange tank of Hualong pressurized reactor 1000 after long-term standing,and corresponding water quality management scheme was designed in this study.Two water tanks were designed for comparative experiments.The water quality change parameters in PCS water tank after long-term standing and chemical dosing were obtained by regular sampling.According to the experimental results,it is proved that the U-pipe water seal set in PCS has better isolating effect to ensure the water quality in the tank.Adding hydrogen peroxide can effectively inhibit the increase of sodium,chlorine and sulfate ions in the tank.The water quality management scheme proposed in this paper provides theoretical support for water quality management in the operation of PCS tank,and provides guarantee for the safe operation of passive systems in nuclear power plants.
作者 马惠昀 李丽娟 于沛 郭泽华 MA Huiyun;LI Lijuan;YU Pei;GUO Zehua(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100840,China;College of Nuclear Science and Technology,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China;Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power System&Equipment,Harbin 150001,China)
出处 《应用科技》 CAS 2023年第6期33-37,共5页 Applied Science and Technology
关键词 "华龙一号" 非能动安全壳热量导出系统 水质 长期静置 水箱 加药 U型管水封 核电 Hua-long pressurized reactor 1000 passive containment heat removal system water quality long-term standing water tank chemical dosing U-pipe water seal nuclear power plants
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