
历史、理论、实践:建设中华民族现代文明的三重逻辑 被引量:8

History, Theory, Practice: The Triple Logic of Constructing the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation
摘要 建设中华民族现代文明有着植根于本民族文明发展的历史逻辑,有着基于马克思主义的理论逻辑,有着立足于新时代现代化建设活动的实践逻辑。中华古代文明中有益成分的继承与发展、中国人民对近现代文明进程影响的思索与应对、中华民族对西方文明弊端及不足的认识与纠偏、中国共产党弘扬文明经验历程中进行的总结与应用是新时代建设中华民族现代文明的历史逻辑。世界普遍联系与发展原理在文明演进中的体现、事物多样性且差异性思想在文明发展中的凸显、文明互鉴与共生要求在人类社会发展中的反映是建设中华民族现代文明的理论逻辑。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我国应在中国式现代化的实践中开拓出中华民族现代文明的发展道路,应在人类文明新形态的拓新中明确中华民族现代文明的前进方向,应在“两个结合”中开辟新时代中华民族现代文明蓬勃发展的必由之路。三重逻辑是系统的整体,历史逻辑明晰了中华民族现代文明建设的历史必然,理论逻辑确定了中华民族现代文明建设的理论遵循,实践逻辑,是历史逻辑与理论逻辑在现实中的展开。明确新时代建设中华民族现代文明的历史、理论、实践逻辑,有助于在新时代更好地进行文化建设与文明创建。 There exists the historical logic of the development of our national civilization,the theoretical logic of Marxism and the practical logic of the modernization process of the Chinese nation since modern times in the process of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.Inheritance and development of beneficial elements in ancient Chinese civilization,reflections and responses of Chinese people to the influence of modern civilization,understanding and correcting the disadvantages and deficiencies of western civilization and summary and application of the Chinese Communist Party's experience in promoting civilization are the historical logic in the process of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.The embodiment of the principle of universal connection and development in the evolution of civilization,the prominence of diversity and difference in the development of civilization and the demand for mutual learning and symbiosis among civilizations reflected in the development of human society are the theoretical logic in the process of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.In the new era,we should build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in the practice of Chinese modernization,in the development of new forms of human civilization and in the two combined processes.The historical logic clarifies the historical inevitability of the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.Theoretical logic determines the theoretical adherence to the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.Practical logic is the expansion of historical logic and theoretical logic in reality.We should Clarify the historical,theoretical and practical logic of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in the new era.
作者 黄旭 Huang Xu(Training and Training Center for College Ideological and Political Work Team of the Ministry of Education(Southwest University),Chongqing 400715;Chongqing University of Technology Party and Government office,Chongqing 400054)
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2023年第11期159-171,共13页 Chongqing Social Sciences
基金 重庆市社会科学规划重点项目“提升全过程人民民主的制度化水平研究”(2023ZTZD06) 重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究项目“新时代全过程人民民主实现机制构建研究”(22SKGH313)。
关键词 中华民族现代文明 历史逻辑 理论逻辑 实践逻辑 modern civilization of the Chinese nation historical logic theoretical logic practical logic
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