
压缩机干气密封泄漏分析与处理经验 被引量:1

Analysis and Treatment of Compressor Dry Gas Seal Leakage
摘要 某化工装置运行中,压缩机机组运行监控曲线出现异常,引发干气密封系统泄漏量报警和主密封气差压下降情况,需要紧急处理但又不具备大修条件。通过分析干气密封结构和密封流程,结合压缩机运行曲线特征,对故障进行了预判,制定了加装漏气检测设备和增加一路密封气从而保证干气密封主密封气供应量的方案。改进实施后,压缩机得以继续平稳运行超过600 d,最终安全接受装置计划停机检修,避免了压缩机停车,保证装置整体平稳运行。 During the operation of a chemical plant,a leakage alarm occurred in the dry gas seal system of the compressor,resulting in the decrease of the main seal pressure difference.The failure required urgent treatment,but the unit did not have the conditions for shutdown and maintenance.By analyzing the dry gas seal structure and sealing process,combined with the characteristics of the compressor operating curve,the failure prediction was made,and a plan was formulated to install leakage detection equipment and add a sealing gas to ensure the supply of main sealing gas for the dry gas seal.After the implementation of the improvement measures,the compressor was able to continue to run smoothly for more than 600 days,and eventually operated safely until the planned shutdown for maintenance,avoiding the compressor stop and ensuring the overall smooth operation of the plant.
作者 魏希超 WEI Xi-chao(Sinochem Hongrun Petrochemical Co.Ltd.,Weifang262500,China)
出处 《石油化工设备》 2024年第1期75-79,共5页 Petro-Chemical Equipment
关键词 压缩机 干气密封 泄漏 故障处理 compressor dry gas seal leakage troubleshooting
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