
经典名方中款冬花的本草考证 被引量:2

Herbal Textual Research on Farfarae Flos in Famous Classical Formulas
摘要 通过查阅历代本草、医籍、方书及近现代文献资料,笔者对款冬花药材的名称、基原、产地、品质评价、采收加工和炮制进行了系统梳理与本草考证,以期为含款冬花药材的经典名方开发提供依据。经考证可知,款冬花始载于《神农本草经》,历代本草皆以“款冬花”为正名并沿用至今。历代主流基原为款冬Tussilago farfara的花蕾,此外,古代尚有以蜂斗菜Petasites japonicus的花蕾作为款冬入药的情况。古代采收时间多为农历十二月,现代采收时间为12月或地冻前当花蕾尚未出土时采挖。历代以河南嵩县、甘肃灵台、陕西榆林等地所产品质优良,奉为道地。近代以来总结其品质以个大、肥壮、色紫红、无花梗者为佳。炮制方法由南北朝开始的用甘草水浸到明代的蜜水拌后微火炒,再逐渐演变到现代的蜜炙法。基于考证结论,建议在开发含款冬花的经典名方时,选用菊科植物款冬T.farfara的干燥花蕾,并按照经典名方的具体炮制要求,选用相应的款冬花炮制品,未注明炮制要求的建议生品入药。 By consulting ancient and modern literature,the herbal textual research of Farfarae Flos has been conducted to verify the name,origin,producing area,quality evaluation,harvesting and processing methods,so as to provide reference for the development and utilization of the famous classical formulas containing Farfarae Flos.According to the research,the results showed that Farfarae Flos was first described as a medicinal material by the name of Kuandonghua in Shennong Bencaojing(《神农本草经》),and the name was used and justified by later generations.The main origin was the folwer buds of Tussilago farfara,in addition,the flower buds of Petasites japonicus were used as medicine in ancient times.The ancient harvesting time of Farfarae Flos was mostly in the twelfth month of the lunar calendar,and the modern harvesting time is in December or before the ground freeze when the flower buds have not been excavated.Hebei,Gansu,Shaanxi are the authentic producing areas with the good quality products.Since modern times,its quality is summarized as big,fat,purple-red color,no pedicel is better.Processing method from soaking with licorice water in the Northern and Southern dynasties to stir-frying with honey water followed by micro-fire in the Ming dynasty,and gradually evolved to the modern mainstream processing method of honey processing.Based on the research results,it is suggested that the dried flower buds of T.farfara,a Compositae plant,should be selected for the development of famous classical formulas containing Farfarae Flos,and the corresponding processed products should be selected according to the specific processing requirements of the formulas,and raw products are recommended for medicinal use without indicating processing requirements.
作者 王涛 丁笑颖 李恒阳 安琪 薛紫鲸 张慧康 郑玉光 詹志来 张丹 WANG Tao;DING Xiaoying;LI Hengyang;AN Qi;XUE Zijing;ZHANG Huikang;ZHENG Yuguang;ZHAN Zhilai;ZHANG Dan(School of Pharmacy,Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Technology Innovation Center of Hebei Province,Hebei University of Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050200,China;Hebei Chemical and Pharmaceutical College,Shijiazhuang 050026,China;National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期67-76,共10页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 中央财政公共卫生专项(Z135080000022) 河北省自然科学基金项目(H2018423029,H2021423017) 河北省第二期现代农业产业技术体系创新团队项目(HBCT2018060205) 河北中医学院校内课题(KTY2019081,2018128654) 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFC171401)。
关键词 经典名方 款冬花 名称 基原 产地 中药炮制 本草考证 famous classical formulas Farfarae Flos name origin producing areas traditional Chinese medicine processing herbal textual research
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