
植被恢复模式对河岸边坡土壤性质的影响研究 被引量:1

Study on Influence of Vegetation Restoration Models on Soil Properties of River Bank Slopes
摘要 为了对不同植被恢复模式下的河岸边坡土壤的性质进行研究,此次研究以辽河保护区内的流域边坡为研究对象,采用了刺槐、小蓬草、杨树、狗牙根和草本植物五种植被恢复模式对河岸边坡进行改善,然后设置不同的实验分别对五种植被恢复模式下的土壤理化性质进行探究。实验结果表明,狗牙根种植区下的土壤容重可以达到0.162 g/cm^(3)。小蓬草种植区下的土壤含水量、有机质和有效磷含量分别可以达到16.2%、24.7 g/kg,和0.11 g/kg。五种植被恢复模式下的pH值范围在7.7~8.3之间。故不同植被恢复模式对土壤性质的影响具有差异性。 In order to study the soil properties of riverbank slope under different vegetation restoration modes,the study took the watershed slope in Liaohe River Reserve as the research object.It adopted the five vegetation restoration modes of locust,tarpaulin,poplar,Cynodon dactylon root and herbage to improve the riverbank slope,and then set up different experiments to explore the soil physical and chemical properties under the five vegetation restoration modes.The experimental results showed that the soil bulk density under the growing region of Cynodon dactylon could reach 0.162 g/cm^(3).The soil water content,organic matter and available phosphorus content in the Growing region of Erigeron breviscapus could reach 16.2%,24.7 g/kg,and 0.11 g/kg,respectively.The pH range of the five planting restoration modes is between 7.7 and 8.3.Therefore,different vegetation restoration models have varying impacts on soil properties.
作者 申世永 朱蓉蓉 张凯煜 Shen Shiyong;Zhu Rongrong;Zhang Kaiyu(Yulin Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention Center,Yulin 719000,China;College of Life Sciences of Yulin University,Yulin 719000,China)
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2024年第3期162-167,共6页 Environmental Science and Management
基金 榆林市森林草原防火中心应用研究项目“林区废弃物资源化利用技术研究与应用”,项目编号:YSLF 202101。
关键词 植被恢复模式 河岸边坡 土壤 理化性质 影响因素 vegetation restoration mode river bank slope soil physical and chemical properties influence factor
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