随着社会经济的发展,除传统的“临边与洞口作业”“攀登与悬空作业”“交叉作业”外,建筑施工现场的高处作业新场景不断出现;同时,随着建筑技术的进步,除了传统的以防护栏杆、安全网、安全带、操作平台为基本防护手段的高处坠落防护体系外,新的防高坠技术措施也在不断发展。该文在系统归纳现行行业标准《建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范》JGJ 80技术体系的基础上,以分析重庆市地方标准《建筑施工高处坠落防治安全技术标准》DBJ50/T-417—2022的技术框架为主线,探讨了高处作业安全防护的新技术,重新归纳总结了房屋与市政工程高处坠落防治的相关安全技术体系,介绍了新标准体系下的高处作业防护场景,分析了高处作业新的防护要求,对系列创新性的防高坠技术措施逐一作了介绍,系统阐述了其执行要点。
As the economy and society continue to develop,there not only emerged a range of difficult operations like“edge-near and opening operation”,“climbing and hanging operation”,and“cross-operation”,but new high-place operations also became prevalent in the construction site.Meanwhile,with the advancement of construction technology,new technical measures for high-falling prevention are also developing in addition to the traditional highfalling prevention system that takes the guardrails,safety nets,body harnesses,and operation platform as the basic protection means.Based on an overview of the current industry standard Technical Code for Safety of High-altitude Operation in Building Construction JGJ 80,this paper,taking the analysis of the technical framework of Safety Standard for Prevention of High Falling in Construction DBJ 50/T-417—2022 as the main line,discussed the new technologies for safety protection in high-altitude operation,and then again,summed up the safety technology systems related to high falling prevention in housing and municipal engineering.Additionally,this paper introduced high-altitude operation protection scenes under the new standard system,analyzed the new protection requirements of highaltitude operation,and elaborated on a series of innovative technical measures for high falling prevention while systematically describing the key implementation points.
Chongqing Architecture
high-altitude operation
high falling
safety protection