“习得性无助”是指一个人经历了挫折和失败后 ,面对问题时产生的无能为力的心理状态和行为。这种现象是由赛利格曼通过实验在狗的身上发现又在人的身上得到证实的。“习得性无助”现象具体到学生身上 ,表现为低成就动机、低自我概念、低自我效能感和消极的定势等心理特征。这一现象形成可归于外部因素 ,但更重要的应归于内部社会学习机制的作用。对于“习得性无助”学生 ,教师应采取的主要教育对策有 :形成对学生的积极评价、创设良好班级学习气氛 ,引导学生正确归因。
Learned helplessnes s'ref ers to the psychological state and behavior that the person sufferring a series of frustration and failure can't know what to do about the problem.This phenomen on was tested and detected on dogs and verfied on human by Sligman.The phenomeno n,as far as students are concerned,presents the characteristics such as low self motivation,low self concept,low self efficacy,and negative set.The arising o f phenomenon can be attributed to external factors,but inner factor inappropria te social learning system is more important.To these students,teachers should ta ke the educational measures such as giving positive opinions,creating a good atm osphere for study,instructing the correct way of cottribution,promoting students ' self efficacy,helping them to solve the problem correctly and so on.
Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education