
江西信丰金盆山林场夏季鸟类资源调查 被引量:1

Investigation of summer bird resources in Jinpenshan Forest Farm,Xinfeng County,Jiangxi Province
摘要 为了解江西信丰金盆山林场夏季鸟类资源情况,本文采用样线调查法对该林场夏季鸟类资源进行调查。共记录到96种鸟类,隶属于15目44科,其中雀形目26科55种,非雀形目14目18科41种。调查记录的鸟类中有留鸟81种,夏候鸟14种;按照区系划分,东洋界78种,古北界4种,广布种14种。属于国家二级重点保护野生动物18种,中国特有种3种,调查区域具有重要的保护价值和生态价值。 In order to assess the local summer bird resources at Xinfeng Jinpenshan Forest Farm in Jiangxi Province,this study employed a line transect survey method.A total of 96 bird species were recorded,belonging to 44 families and 15 orders.Among them,Passeriformes comprised 26 families and 55 species,while non-Passeriformes included 14 orders,18 families,and 41 species.Of the birds surveyed in the area,there were 81 resident species and 14 summer migratory species.The distribution system primarily consisted of Oriental(78 species),Palearctic(4 species),and Eurytopic(14 species).Notably,there were also 18 nationally protected wild animal species and 3 Chinese endemic species identified within the survey area,indicating its significant conservation and ecological value.
作者 邱国伟 朱恩永 谢良 王荣 殷文金 温土根 李光运 Qiu Guowei;Zhu Enyong;Xie Liang;Wang Rong;Yin Wenjin;Wen Tugen;Li Guangyun(Jinpenshan Forest Farm of Xinfeng County,Ganzhou Jiangxi 341699,China;Jinji Forest Farm of Xinfeng County,Ganzhou Jiangxi 341613,China;Xinfeng County Forestry Bureau,Ganzhou Jiangxi 341600,China)
出处 《南方林业科学》 2024年第3期64-68,共5页 South China Forestry Science
基金 信丰县生物多样性保护和监测项目。
关键词 金盆山林场 鸟类资源 夏季 多样性分析 Jinpenshan Forest Farm birdresources summer diversity analysis
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