The constantly innovating business format of the warranty extension service has broad development prospect,especially for the automobile,home appliance and digital product market.However,the warranty extension service involves a variety of participants,and is prone to problems such as excessive agent hierarchy,information asymmetry and inconsistent service standards,etc.At the same time,the conflict of interests between the customers,manufacturers and retailers in the warranty extension service supply chain will inevitably lead to distrust between the members.In this paper,in response to this problem,we first analyzed the trust mechanism of the blockchain technology,and takes"Qixiang Auto Insurance"as an example to explore the process of trust building between the customers,manufacturers and retailers in the warranty extension chain of the"public chain+alliance chain"structure.The study shows that the warranty extension chain trust mechanism based on"public chain+alliance chain"is highly feasible for dispelling consumers'scruples in the purchase of the warranty extension service and building trust between the customers(consumers),manufacturers and retailers.Secondly,despite the feasibility of the blockchain trust mechanism in dispelling distrust and building trust,it also brings additional operating costs to the parties.For this reason,we constructed a decision model of the warranty extension supply chain based on the blockchain trust mechanism,analyzed the conditions and strategies for implementing the blockchain technology in the warranty extension supply chain,and finally gave a case analysis.The results show that:(1)With economic value as the goal,the condition for implementing the blockchain technology is more lenient when the manufacturers consider the trust utility between the enterprises than otherwise.The conditions for the retailers to implement the blockchain technology are the most relaxed,that is,as long as the manufacturers can profit from implementing blockchain,the retailers will surely be profitable.(2)With technical value as the goal,when consumer trust difference is minor,the critical value for implementing the blockchain technology decreases with the increase of consumer trust;when consumer trust difference grows larger,the critical value for blockchain implementation will be positively correlated with consumer trust.At this time,there is an optimal consumer trust difference,which makes the conditions for the manufacturers'blockchain implementation the most relaxed.(3)Before blockchain implementation,consumer trust has an inverse relationship with the strategy of the warranty extension supply chain;after such implementation,consumer trust has a positive relationship with the price,service level and supply chain profit of the warranty extension service.(4)After blockchain implementation,the pricing of the warranty extension supply chain enterprises has an upward trend compared with before the implementation;in addition,when the consumer trust in the warranty extension service is below a certain level,the profits of the manufacturers and the retailers will be higher after than before the implementation.When the consumer trust in the warranty extension service is low,blockchain implementation is more conducive to the development of the enterprises involved.The research conclusions can provide strategy reference for enterprises in blockchain investment and warranty extension service supply chain operation.
ZHOU Xingjian;JI Hongyue;LI Yong;CAI Lihua;ZHU Muyun(School of Management,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430200;Enterprise Decision Support Research Center,Key Research Base of Humanities&Social Sciences of Hubei Full-time Colleges,Wuhan 430073;School of Ecological Environment Industry,Wuhan Technology&Business University,Wuhan 430065,China)
Logistics Technology
warranty extension service
warranty extension supply chain