

Early Explorations,Evolutionary Process and Development Trends of Chinese Economics
摘要 本文将中国经济学的演进历程划分为在理论引进中思索学科使命的中国经济学(萌生)、在社会主义革命和建设中探索理论转化路径的中国经济学(探索)、以改革实践理论化为主体的中国经济学(发展)和以自主知识体系构建为目标的中国经济学(深化),由浅入深、层层递进的四个阶段。从历史演进规律中总结中国经济学的发展趋势:学科建设理念从学科本位到问题导向,学科性质从单一学科属性转向多学科融合,研究对象从强调人与人的关系转向强调在人与自然的和谐共生中研究人与人的关系,研究范式从政治经济学范式转向以政治经济学范式为基点的新经济学范式。中国经济学应立足中国实践,以马克思主义政治经济学基本原理和习近平经济思想为指导,既充分吸收西方经济学中的合理成分,又注重继承和发展中国传统文化中仍具生命力的经济思想,构建既具历史纵深感和理论层次感,又贴近中国经济发展需求的自主知识体系。 Chinese economics is still in the process of being created,and its significance lies in solving the problems arising from the operation of the Chinese economy.The development of Chinese economics requires adhering to the positions and methods of Marxist political economy,drawing on the reasonable components of Western economics,and tapping into the essence of traditional Chinese economic thought.It emphasizes the need to combine the above economic theories with China's reform,development,and opening practices.Under China's current dual goals of high-quality development and sustainable development,the object of research in Chinese economics is to study the interrelationships among the core elements such as population,resources,industry,environment,and institutions,as well as the establishment,reform,and improvement of the system of allocation of these elements and the laws of economic development in the context of modern advanced productive forces in a specific spatial and temporal context.Chinese economics emphasizes the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods.This paper takes the development history and development trend of Chinese economics as the research problem,and conducts a literature review from aspects of the time of the introduction,the definition,the development history,and the research paradigm of Chinese economics,to understand the history and the current status of research on Chinese economics.Through the literature review,it is found that the main line of evolution of Chinese economics is the sinicization and modernization of Marxist political economy.According to this evolutionary thread,the evolutionary history of Chinese economics is divided based on three key aspects of disciplinary development,namely,the nature of the discipline,the object of research and the research paradigm.The period of 1905-1949 is the budding stage of Chinese economics,with the theme of pondering on what kind of economics is needed in China,and 1950-1977 is the stage of theoretical exploration,with the theme of exploring how Marxist political economy and Soviet political economy guide China's economic practice during the socialist revolution and construction.During 1978-2011,Chinese economics entered a stage of rapid development,with the theme of distilling the successful practical experience formed after China's reform and opening-up into economic theories.Starting from 2012,Chinese economics entered a stage of deepening development,and began to systematically construct an autonomous knowledge system of Chinese economics.The development trend of Chinese economics is summarized in the following four aspects.(1) In terms of the concept of discipline construction,Chinese economics has shifted from discipline-oriented to problem-oriented.(2) In terms of the nature of discipline,it has shifted from single-discipline attribute to multi-discipline integration.(3) In terms of research object,it has shifted from emphasizing the relationship between human beings to emphasizing the study of the relationship between human beings in the harmonious symbiosis between human beings and nature.(4) In terms of research paradigm,there is a shift from the Marxist political economy paradigm to a new economics paradigm based on the Marxist political economy paradigm.This article reviews early literature on the creation of Chinese economics,scientifically delineates the evolution of Chinese economics on this basis,and summarizes the possible development direction of Chinese economics,helping scholars at home and in other countries and regions to understand the long-term efforts and excellent contributions made by Chinese economists to build an independent knowledge system of Chinese economics.If we are lucky enough to arouse the interest of scholars at home and in other countries and regions in the study of Chinese economics,it will be the greatest value of this article.
作者 白永秀 闫雪培 BAI Yongxiu;YAN Xuepei(Northwest University,Xi’an,China)
出处 《经济学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期3-18,共16页 Economic Perspectives
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“西部地区巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果与乡村振兴有效衔接的路径及政策研究”(21ZDA063)。
关键词 中国经济学 马克思主义政治经济学中国化时代化 中国传统文化 Chinese Economics Sinicization and Modernization of Marxist Political Economy Chinese Traditional Culture
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