

Study on Defects of Auxiliary Pipes in Coal Preparation Plant Based on Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing
摘要 本文通过对辅助管道进行区域块划分,采用超声无损检测技术进行单点激励多点检测,采集实际辅助管道的超声波时域信号,分析处理检测到的时域信号数据,从而获取辅助管道的内部结构信息,并分别利用三次样条插值法(cubic spline)和局部加权散点平滑法(lowess)对时域信号数据进行三维重构,两者进行对比结果表明:三次样条插值法在三维重构效果上要优于局部加权散点平滑法,其更能实现对辅助管道缺陷的准确重构模拟。 The auxiliary pipelines are divided into regional blocks,ultrasonic non-destructive testing technology is adopted to carry out single-point excitation and multi-point detection,collect ultrasonic time-domain signals of actual auxiliary pipelines,analyze and process the detected time-domain signal data,and thus obtain information about the internal structure of auxiliary pipelines.Cubic spline method and local weighted scatterpoint smoothing method are used to reconstruct the time domain signal data respectively.The results show that the linear interpolation method is better than the local weighted regression method in 3D reconstruction effect,and it can realize the accurate reconstruction simulation of auxiliary pipeline defects.
作者 张海龙 郑钢丰 鲍远超 胡峰 周铮 ZHANG Hailong;ZHENG Gangfengg;BAO Yuanchao;HU Feng;ZHOU Zheng(School of Materials Science and Engineering Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan 232000,China)
出处 《无损探伤》 2024年第5期1-4,25,共5页 Nondestructive Testing Technology
关键词 辅助管道 超声无损检测 三次样条插值法 局部加权散点平滑法 Auxiliary pipeline Ultrasonic non-destructive testing Cubic spline interpolation Locally weighted scatter smoothing method
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