

MMC Wide Frequency Operation Control Strategy Applied to Wind Power Generation
摘要 基于模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的风力发电换流器存在低频状态下子模块电容电压波动过大的问题,影响换流器宽频率范围内的运行能力。为解决上述问题,此处提出了一种低频谐波注入策略抑制子模块电容电压在宽频率范围内的波动。该方法在现有环流注入策略基础上,合理设置子模块电容电压纹波的约束条件,提高注入环流对抑制电容电压纹波的利用效率。此外,还通过3次谐波电压注入来提升调制比,降低注入环流对桥臂电流和换流器损耗的影响。最后通过Matlab/Simulink仿真以及实验验证了所提控制策略的有效性。 The wind turbine converter based on modular multilevel converter(MMC)suffers from excessive sub-module capacitor voltage fluctuation at low frequency which affects the converter's ability to operate over a wide frequency range.To solve the above problem,a low-frequency harmonic injection strategy to suppress the fluctuation of sub-mod-ule capacitor voltage over a wide frequency range is proposed.The method is based on the existing circulating current injection strategy and the constraints on the sub-module capacitor voltage ripple are reasonably set to improve the uti-lization efficiency of the injected circulating current for suppressing the capacitor voltage ripple.In addition,the third harmonic voltage injection is used to enhance the modulation ratio and reduce the impact of injected circulating cur-rent on the arm current and converter loss.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by the Matlab/Simulink simulations as well as experiments.
作者 吴哲超 章奇勋 张勇 杨兴武 WU Zhe-chao;ZHANG Qi-xun;ZHANG Yong;YANG Xing-wu(Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China)
机构地区 上海电力大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 2024年第10期71-74,78,共5页 Power Electronics
基金 上海市科技计划(23010501200)。
关键词 模块化多电平换流器 风力发电 子模块电容电压 modular multilevel converter wind power generation sub-module capacitor voltage
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