

Cultural differences in the expression and contagion of polarized emotions in social media:The role of dialectical thinking
摘要 网络舆论环境中,极端情绪的表达和传播容易导致谣言泛滥、社会矛盾升级等一系列负面效应。文化心理学研究发现,与西方文化相比,中国和东亚文化鼓励辩证思维(Dialectical Thinking),更容易接受矛盾的信息、观点和情感。这一文化差异可能影响个体的网络情绪和行为,即辩证思维可能可以减少网络上极端情绪的表达和传播,以及调控网络极端情绪导致的负面效应(如导致群体态度分裂)。这一构想力图结合中国民众的心理情绪特点为网络极端情绪的表达和传播规律提供理论解释,以期为政府管理部门把握网民心理、调控民众心态提供科学依据。 Research have found that digital emotion contagion,polarized emotion in particular,was associated with adverse outcomes,such as spread of fake news,political segregation,etc.This project aims to examine whether dialectical thinking,a thinking style that is more prevalent among East Asian cultures than Western cultures,can decrease the expression and contagion of polarized emotions on social media.This project may deepen the understandings of digital emotion contagion process from a cross-cultural perspective.In addition,this project can provide practical implications for policy makers to develop interventions for cultivating a peaceful and rational social mentality.
作者 陆敏婕 王苏宜 陈晓媛 LU Minjie;WANG Suyi;CHEN Xiaoyuan(Department of Psychology,Faculty of Arts and Sciences,Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai,Zhuhai 519087,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology,National Demonstration Center for Experimental Psychology Education(Beijing Normal University),Faculty of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;Department of Psychology,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期1757-1767,共11页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(72201037)资助。
关键词 网络情绪传播 情绪表达 极端情绪 文化 辩证思维 digital emotion contagion emotion expression polarized emotion culture dialectical thinking
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